Fist of Charakur

Work in progress!
ORC License
Slightly NSFW!
Charakur is protected by King Harun's guards, called Fist of Charakur. The best of them who earned his trust, protect his palace and his family.


The Fist of Charakur has a strength of 600 men and women, each of them recruited in Charakur at a young age. The guard has its own trainers and teachers and provides education and shelter for those joining their ranks. In the first couple of years, recruits do not get any payment, but many of them are thankful to have a roof above the head and get food on a regular basis. Members of the Fist showing talent get additional training and can become officers or special force members like scouts, spies or assassins. Officers lead small groups of 5 to 8 people.
A world full of wonders.
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