The Obsidian Eye

Work in progress!
ORC License
Slightly NSFW!
The Obsidian Eye is a relic of dark and sinister beauty. A smooth, black gemstone, almost liquid on its deep, reflective surface, forms the pendant. An intricate silver setting encases the gem, evoking the sharp talons of a bird of prey, grasping it as if it were a precious and powerful treasure. The pendant hangs from a silver chain that is finely wrought and sturdy, capable of withstanding both magical and physical stress. When worn, the gem sits directly over the heart, pulsing with an eerie, faint glow that seems to draw in the light around it.  

The Evil Spirit

  The Obsidian Eye is connected to a malevolent spirit known as Alaron, a once-powerful sorcerer who sought immortality and ultimate power through forbidden dark arts. Alaron's quest led him to strike a bargain with ancient, otherworldly entities, but his ambition was his downfall. Betrayed and trapped within the gemstone, his spirit was bound to the relic by the very forces he sought to control.   Over centuries, the relic changed hands many times, each new owner falling victim to its corrupting influence, until it found its way to Seraphina. Drawn by its allure and the promise of power, she accepted the risks, believing she could harness its abilities without succumbing to its darker temptations.   Alaron's essence remains within the Obsidian Eye, whispering secrets of dark magic and offering power to its possessor, but always with a hidden price. He seeks to corrupt and control, pushing Seraphina to use the pendant's powers more and more, hoping to one day use her to free himself from his eternal prison.  
The Obsidian Eye by Tillerz using MJ

Mechanics & Inner Workings

GM info / spoilers.
This is GM information
A world full of wonders.
Item type
Current Location
Current Holder
Seraphina Nightshade
Seraphina Nightshade
Seraphina Nightshade by Tillerz using SD

Cover image: the-obsidian-eye-article-header by Tillerz using MJ


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