Many people know about Santalejos and not for a good reason. The city is a main exporter of lumber, not for their given location in a desert near an ocean not near any forests of any kind, but because of a portal that exists nearby that links the city to the Feywild. There have been many wars because of the deforestation of the massive forests there between the Fey and those who seek to exploit the treasure trove that grows there. There are many who have wildly varying opinions and ideas about these proceedings. Because of the constant conflicts that occur in Santalejos, the city is built for war with hundreds of siege weaponry and a few thousand soldiers who protect the city from both external and internal threats. Understandably, their main import is weaponry and technology. The city looks like a massive fortress and while life there isn't unpleasant, you might find yourself thrown in jail for publicly speaking against the local government because of the conflicts. There are very few Fey alive who don't feel great resentment to the city of Santalejos.
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization
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