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New Haven

Status : Occupied by the Royal Court Allegience : The Council   
Nestled in the heart of a rugged landscape, the capital of the Coalition stood as a testament to resilience, innovation, and the indomitable spirit of its people. Unlike the grandeur of the Imperium's cities, the Coalition's capital was a patchwork of history, struggle, and the fierce will to survive.   Architecture and Layout: The city's architecture was a reflection of its challenging past and resourceful inhabitants. Buildings were often a mix of old and new, with ancient stone structures standing alongside more recent constructions made from scavenged materials. The city's layout was organic and unplanned, its narrow, winding streets telling stories of hasty expansions and adaptations to the ever-present threat from the Imperium.   Center of Resistance: At the city's core was the Resistance Square, a sprawling open space that had witnessed numerous rallies and speeches by leaders like Commander Elara Voss. It was here that the flame of rebellion was nurtured, with banners and symbols of the Coalition displayed proudly.   Marketplace and Commerce: The marketplace was the bustling heart of the city, alive with the sounds of barter and the clanking of machinery. Vendors sold everything from basic necessities to ingenious gadgets crafted by local tinkerers. The air was thick with the smell of oil and metal, a constant reminder of the city's steampunk essence.   Residential Quarters: The residential areas of the capital were diverse. Some districts housed workers in simple but sturdy homes, adorned with makeshift steam-powered contraptions. In contrast, the outskirts were dotted with shanties, where the less fortunate eked out a living. Yet, even here, the spirit of the Coalition was palpable, with communal efforts to improve living conditions and share resources.   Industrial Sector: The industrial sector was the city's powerhouse, filled with factories and workshops. Despite limited resources, the engineers and workers here managed to keep the Coalition's machinery and airships operational, often improvising solutions to complex problems. The sector was a maze of pipes, gears, and steam, symbolizing the Coalition's technological aspirations and capabilities.   Defensive Structures: Lacking the advanced defenses of the Imperium, the city had improvised fortifications. The walls, partially crumbled in places, were reinforced with whatever materials were at hand. Guard towers were equipped with steam-powered cannons, a clear sign of the city's readiness to defend itself.   Cultural and Educational Institutions: The capital also boasted cultural and educational institutions, albeit modest in comparison to the Imperium's. Libraries housed salvaged books and manuscripts, while schools and training centers aimed to educate the next generation in both academics and the art of survival.   The Fall and Legacy: The capital's fall during the Battle of Crimson Skies was a turning point in the war with the Imperium. Despite being outnumbered and outgunned, the city's defenders fought valiantly, their sacrifice becoming a symbol of the Coalition's enduring spirit.   The legacy of the Coalition's capital lives on in the tales of its former inhabitants. It remains a symbol of resilience in the face of overwhelming odds, a city that, for a time, stood as the beacon of hope and defiance against the might of the Imperium.

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