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The magical world of Albanoria is home to a myriad of creatures, flora and fauna. The world pulses with a magical power derived from the core of the world itself. Some inhabitants and citizens of the world are naturally aligned and attuned to the magic. Others can tap into the magic, while some lack the ability to make use of the powers both light and dark.   Magic is one of the powerful forces helping to keep the world and its elements in balance.


Albanoria is a Class M ("goldilocks") planet orbiting around a small sun with several other planets in the system.   The planet has 3 major land masses:
  • Albion: largest and most northerly of the continents
  • Aldura: second largest straddles the sub-tropical to equatorial zones
  • Gorem: smallest (but not by much) and most southerly continent


The planet climate zones range from equatorial to polar.
  • Polar
  • Tundra
  • Temperate
  • Sub-Tropical
  • Tropical
  • Equatorial
A wide variety of flora, fauna and other living organisms inhabited the planet.

Ecosystem Cycles

Albanoria enjoys four ecosystem cycles:
  • Spring-pleasant temperatures with the emergence of creatures form the winter sleep
  • Summer-long days and warm temperatures drive a hardy growing season
  • Fall-cooling temperatures bring extraordinary beauty as the world begins to slumber
  • Winter-cold temperatures, harsh winds and heavy snows dominate, especially in the far north and far south

Fauna & Flora

Albanoria enjoys a broad variety of flora and fauna.   Flora includes both magical and mundane plant life   Fauna includes both magical and mundane creatures

Natural Resources

Albanoria boasts rich veins of metals, gems, minerals and other resources.   Boreal and temperate forests cover the northern lands and southern temperate zones. Sub-tropical and tropical forests cover the central climate zones.    A wide variety of grains and food stuffs grow across temperate through equatorial regions.


  • Albanoria World Map
  • Albanoria Political Map
    Political, Governmental, and Areas of Conflict for Albanoria
Included Locations

Articles under Albanoria


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