There is a crowning ceremony, where the previous two Monarchs pass on the crown to the next member of their family. This is done on midnight of the winter solstice, outside the Monarch's Palace in Alzuth where all the people can see. Once they are crowned the High Priests will bless the pair and their rule based on the moons.
The duel rulers are in charge of the whole Kingdom of Edral, they pass laws, are in charge of the treasury and if a time comes that the nation were attacked lead the troops in the fight. Foreign nations often believe that the Co Rulers must marry, however this in not true, in fact though out the history of the kingdom only two sets of rules have ever been known to have a relationship and this was after their rule.
Nobility, Non-hereditary
The Treaty of Edral was the peace treaty that established this government.
Alternative Naming
Dual Rulers
Equates to
King, Queen, Ruler, Sire, Liege
Length of Term
30 years
Current Holders
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