Cradoc agh Ibnarth Character in Albion | World Anvil
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Cradoc agh Ibnarth

"Black was his blood, black was his heart, and oh, OH! Those horns, terrible horns, they came... I ran, but I could not escape! There is no escape..."   —Final words of a dying warrior
  Sheltered by the high cliffs and treacherous seas of their homeland, the people of Caergwynn seldom venture abroad. When they do, however, the red serpent pennants flying from the masts of their great ships are usually enough to set every pair of keen eyes among their foes searching the deck for a horned silhouette by the steering oar. Such is the reputation of the Dragonborn, a reputation earned on the battlefield by warriors like Cradoc. He won the Great Wyrm's favor at an early age when he hunted down a Lindwurm who had stolen from her hoard, and before long his battle-rage had won him many an admirer—and many a hateful foe. Still, even his most bitter rivals cannot deny that Cradoc has lived a life worthy of song. In addition to his many victories on the battlefield, he takes it upon himself to test promising young warriors in single combat. Too many thanes and princelings have foolishly accepted his challenges to prove their bravery and honor; he seems to take glee in crushing the hopes and bones of apsiring warriors and taking their broken blades as trophies to hang on his belt. It is said that their disquiet spirits haunt him, driving him to greater acts of cruelty and vengeance with every blade he claims...

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Like all Dragonborn, Cradoc has thick, reptilian scales that cover his body and clawed hands and feet. It is said that Cradoc once had shimmering metallic scales like his brethren, but his scales are now as black as his heart. A pair of fearsome, curling horns frame his draconic snout, which is permanently twisted into a sneer by a nasty scar.
Whichever saints, deities, or spirits will grant him victory in battle
Aligned Organization

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