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Asmodeus, the Lord of the Hells

God of Tyranny


Asmodeus is the evil god of tyranny and domination. He rules The Nine Hells from its 9th layer, Nessus, with an iron fist and a silver tongue. Aside from Devils, evil creatures such as Rakshasas pay him homage and those seeking power and influence are drawn to his dark cults.   Following his Tenets, Asmodeus commands his followers to seek positions of power which they can bring his influence to. He expects his worshippers to be merciless extensions of his will, repaying any misdeed they are subjected to and exploiting those around them for personal gain without compassion.   Asmodeus also offers power to those who do not devoutly follow him, with the intention of claiming their souls in the process. He bestows these gifts to those who pledge fealty to him, carry out his wishes and help influence others to commit evil acts, damming more sols for him to claim.  

Tenets of The Lord of the Hells

  • Seek power over others, that you might rule with strength as the Lord of Hell does.
  • Repay evil with evil. If others are kind to you, exploit their weakness for your own gain.
  • Show neither pity nor mercy to those who are caught underfoot as you climb your way to power. The weak do not deserve compassion.

Piety Abilities

Asmodeus' Devotee

Piety 3+ Asmodeus trait
As a devotee of Asmodeus, a portion of the lord's power flows within you. You gain the ability to cast Command with this trait. As you do, Asmodeus' power manifest though you as your eyes glow like fire and you voice become deeper until the spell ends. You may cast this spell in this way a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting modifier for this spell.  

Asmodeus' Votary

Piety 10+ Asmodeus trait
You gain the ability to cast Detect Thoughts with this trait, requiring no verbal, somatic, or material components. When you do, Asmodeus' devilish power flairs up within you and your eyes glow like fire until the spell ends. Once you cast this spell in this way, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting modifier for this spell. In addition, you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed.  

Asmodeus' Disciple

Piety 25+ Asmodues trait
Having proven your drive and commitment to supplant yourself above all others, Asmodeus has gifted you the ability to draw power from those around you to further your goals. As a bonus action, you may activate this trait. Once you do, and at the beginning of your turn, choose one ally you can see within 30 ft., that ally loses 10 hit points and you regain the same number of hit points. If you are incapacitated, you make no choice; instead, the closest ally within 30 ft. is the chosen ally. This trait last for 1 minute, after which it can't be used again until you finish a long rest.  

Champion of the Lord of the Hells

Piety 50+ Asmodues trait
You can increase your Intelligence or Charisma score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.  


The Prime Millenia

When Asmodeus first discovered Albion, he saw the new world as the perfect opportunity to amass more souls to fill his infernal pit. Cautiously, he began to spread his influence, starting with selected individuals and slowly building into his first cults. It was the discovery of these cults which ultimately caused the Creator Gods to create their Aspects and begin the Age of Ascension.  

The Age of Ascension

To Be Confirmed.  

The Post-Aspect Era (The Era of Restoration)

With The Aspect Wars over, Asmodeus took some time to reassess his position on Albion. Many of his follower had survived, so he ultimately decided to return to his original plan from The Prime Millenia. He now asks his followers to subtly exert his will and desires across the world, furthering his influence out of the eyeline of the Creator Gods, who he one day hopes to rule over all of Albion.  


Places of Worship

  • To Be Confirmed

Notable Worshipers

  • Executor Amii. A warlock to Asmodeus working for The Shadowmasters.
  • Grand Vizier Marrake Lazan XIII. The ruler of the Auchendow province.
  • Vizier Marrake Lazan XIV. Part of the ruling family of the Auchendow province.
  • Vizier Marrake Lazan XV. Part of the ruling family of the Auchendow province.

Diabolical Deals

What Asmodeus Wants

  • Souls. Persuade another mortals to perform evil acts, damning their soul in the process.
  • Services. Convince another mortals to enter a contract. Aid in the start or spread of a calamity. Steal a holy relic and deliver it to him.
  • Fealty. Form or join a cult. Perform heinous acts in his name.

What Asmodeus Offers

  • Money. Up to 50,000GP worth of art objects, coin, gems or property.
  • Magic. An item up to a rarity of 'very rare'.
  • Knowledge. A valuable piece of information, unattainable through other means.
  • Service. A single task one of his minions can complete within 9 days.
  • Power. An Archdevil Charm.
  • Wish. The benefits of a wish spell.

Infernal Contracts

  • Amii. Fealty for saving his life. Contract in the form of "A Damned Wretch" (detailed burned onto their back).
  • The Lazan Family. Fealty from each family member to the end of time in return for arcane power and one very rare magic item every 100 years. Contract in the form of "Written in Stone" (on a tablet made of obsidian. The Writing glows a deep crimson and at the bottom of the contract are the indented handprints of Marrake I and Asmodeus, put there when the tablet was still lava).

Voiding a contract with Asmodeus

  • Money. 100,000GP.
  • Magic. A powerful magic artifact.
Divine Classification
Destroyer God (Archdevil)
Lawful Evil
Male (he/him)
Divine Domains
Order, Trickery and War

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