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The Influence of The Destroyers

Disaster / Destruction

Sometime After Intelligent Life became Established

With humanity spread across the world, The Destroyer Gods now looked to influence it. The Ruiner and The Cloaked Serpent created their own creatures and races, designed to prey on the creations of the other gods. Alongside them, The Strife Emperor looked to exacerbate this, rallying battle-ready races to his name in the pursuit of war. The Scaled Tyrant, seeing The Platinum Dragon’s influence on the realm, introduced her own minions to terrorise the land. The Spider Queen also sent her followers to the world to continue her pursuit of The Arch Heart’s creations.   Both The Lord of the Hells and The Whispered One on the other hand looked to influence the existing people for their own ends, corrupting them both in body and mind in the process, while The Crawling King, displeased with the formation of the land, created the realm’s Underdark. This lay beneath the earth to be a home all though who would be shunned by the realm’s creators.   Worst of them all though was The Chained Oblivion, a being who all other gods rightfully feared. Desiring the nothingness that once inhabited the space the realm now filled, The Chained Oblivion secretly worked towards returning the world to the pitch-black void it came from.

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