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Material Characteristics

Burnwillow Heartwood. The hard timber at the center of these trees. It is a dark amber colour, glows with a orangey-yellow light and warm to the touch.   Burnwillow Bark. The outer shell of the tree designed to withstand the heat and flame emanating from the heartwood beneath it. Burnwillow bark, is dark in colour, heavily textured and as strong the hardest metals. The crevices and pits in the outer surface of the bark glows faintly with an orangey-yellow light.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Weapons. When the wielder lands creature is hit against a creature with a weapon made with burnwillow heartwood, it deals an additional 2D6 fire damage to the target. Only melee weapons and ammunition can be made from burnwillow heartwood.   Armour. While wearing armour made with burnwillow bark, when taking fire damage, the wearer gains resistance to the triggering damage when they. Only light armour can be made with burnwillow bark.   Limited Use. Burnwillow weapons and armour utilise the innate, fiery energy stored inside the wood itself, however there is only so much of this in any given piece. As a result, burnwillow items have the following properties:
  • Burnwillow weapons have 5 charges, each time they deal the additional fire damage, they must expend one charge. When they have zero charges left, the weapon loses the ability to deal additional fire damage. Burnwillow ammunition has 1 charge, not 5.
  • Burnwillow armour has 5 charges, each time it bestows fire resistance to the wearer, it must expend one charge. When it has zero charges left, the armour loses the ability to grant fire resistance.
All items made from burnwillow heartwood or burnwillow bark can however regain all their expended charges if they are planted or buried in soil within 5ft. of a living burnwillow tree for 1 hour. Once an item has regained expended charges in this way, it can't do so again until the next dawn.

Origin & Source

Burnwillow is the name for a type of tree which grows exclusively at the center of The Heartland Forest. The trees only grow in an area around The Everflame and are guarded by members of Melora's Conclave and The Order of the Wildfire.

History & Usage


Burnwillow trees first evolved after The Everflame first came to The Heartland Forest. As the forest regrew, the trees around The Everflame grew differently, becoming this material. Since then, it has been utilised by Melora's Conclave in the production of weapons and armour.


Trade & Market

Burnwillow has been primarily used by Melora's Conclave for the production of weapons and armour, albeit sparingly. On occasion however, the raw materials have been gifted to close allies as a sign of good faith and trust.
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