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The Heartland Forest


The Heartland forest is a large, temperate forest located in the center of Concordia. It is the second largest forested are on the continent, only being narrowly beaten in size by The Virescent Canopy to the south-west. Despite it's turbulent history, it boasts a vibrant ecosystem and now is protected by a group of vigilant druids and rangers known as Melora's Conclave. Whilst most of the region is covered by lush, dense foliage, there are a number of territories and notable locations:   Alosbar. A gnomish village located in the south of the forest, built as an offshoot of The Mothertree to help protect the region south of the Rive Vita.   Hundar's Stone Monument. The home to a stone giant named Hundar, who has created unusual stone structures since moving into the area.   Iphelora, the Blossom Wood. An ancient elvish temple dedicated to The Wildmother, which was restored by Melora's Conclave after it was destroyed.   Leavandor.destroyedabandoned   valley   The Burnwillow Grove. A magical grove of indigenous trees located at the heart of the forest, created by magic from the elemental plane of fire.   The Mirrorpool. A crystal-clear lake located along the River Vita in the south of the forest, which contains unique healing properties.   The Mothertree. A gargantuan tree, turned settlement, located in the north of the forest. It is the base of Melora's Conclave and where the majority of its members live.   Additionally, there are three settlements on the roads which surround the forest. Each of these is also under the protection of Melora's Conclave and their representatives can be found at each one:   Howe. A fishing town located on the bank of the River Vita. It is the second largest settlement surround the forest and if known for its peaceful, waterside living.   Shaw. The smallest and newest of the three settlements, Shaw was established by merchants traveling on The Heartland Trail who enjoyed the quietness of the area and knew other merchants would benefit for a stopover on their travels.    Wealdstone. The largest of the three settlements and home to the great population of conclave members outside of the forest. Wealdstone was originally a mining and logging town, but since then its mine has closed and it has become a favourite stopover for merchants travelling on The Ersatz Pass

Fauna & Flora

Many races call the forest home. The members of Melora's Conclave include a variety of common races in addition to a mixture of creatures indigenous to the feywild. Another creature indigenous to the region is the owlbear. Though there are many theories, it is not known how they came into being, however they are vicious predators and have become a cemented part of the forest's ecosystem. numbercreatureseparatedeity's beliefs.

Natural Resources

Burnwillow. The Burnwillow Grove is the only known location in Concordia where this material grows. The grove is protected by Hagan, of the Wildfire.


The Heartland Forest is an ancient, fey-enchanted forest, which has been establish in Concordia for hundreds of years. During the Confluence, it was burned down completely during battles between the founding members of Melora's Conclave and elemental creature from the plane of fire.   After hundreds of years of cultivating, the forest was eventually restored, alongside the fey magic. During this time, the fey magic of the region caused one of the trees growing over the final battlefield between the fire elementals and conclave to grow to an enormous size, which became known as The Mothertree. Additionally, a phenomenon known as The Everflame was discovered in the heart of the forest. A magical fire connected to the elemental plane of fire, its power further added to the already-enchanted forest, helping to create areas like The Burnwillow Grove.


Whilst hunters and adventurers occasionally venture into the forest, very rarely do they encounter any are of significance. The Mothertree in particular. The only area which is 'open' to the outside world is Alosbar, whose people will happy provide temporary shelter to travellers who harbour no ill-will towards to the forest and its inhabitance.

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