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First Mate Zyltana

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zyltama originally came from the city of Pylis. She was the daughter of a powerful clan leader, who had planned to pair her with the city elder's son in a political marriage. Zyltama was not thrilled by this pairing and challenged the city elder to single combat to win her freedom. She lost and, when tradition dictated she lose her left horn, she fled the city. Knowing she would be pursued, she decided to exile herself, knowing The Endless Sands would be the only place she wouldn't be followed.   When she arrived in Lokria, Zyltama was one of a very few minotaurs in the city. She made a name for herself working in the city's port as a dockhand, when she was eventually picked up by Captain Andrelec when he began his search for a crew for 'The Burning Scorn'.   Zyltama may have a gentle face, but she has a charismatic and strong-willed character, making her an ideal First Mate. Those who work beneath her learn quickly not to underestimate her based on her appearance and eventually learn to trust her orders more than their own instincts.   Zyltana is also a worshiper of Martivir, the Burnished Warden. She took faith in Martivir after hearing stories from other sailors who were saved from great storms or assaults on their vessels by what they describe them as a massive bestial figure, either in the sea or the sky. Always shrouded, those Zyltana has spoken to believe Martivir to be an avatar of The Stormlord, or a protective spirit of the sea. In any case, Zyltana put more faith in the more tangible actions of this creature than the actions of the gods.
Lawful Neutral
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Year of Birth
462 38 Years old
Female (she/her)
Stat Block
Minotaur (MM p.223)

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