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Gruumsh, the Ruiner

God of Destruction


Gruumsh is the chaotic god of destruction. Where Bane commands conquest, Gruumsh exhorts his followers to slaughter and pillage. He is known as the lord of marauding hordes and warring bands of orcs his most fervent followers, with many bearing a particular hatred for Elves due to Gruumsh's history with Corellon where the elven god put out one of Gruumsh’s eyes. Along with many orc tribes, barbarians, savage and any who wish to destroy, pillage, and slaughter flock to his banner.   Following his tenets, Gruumsh's followers are expected to act on selfish indulgences related to violence and destruction. Whether that be as small as fighting an personal foe, or leading an army to burn down a city, Gruumsh cares only for the violence which results from these acts. He desires for his followers to take advantage of those weaker than them and crush them under their heels. Grummsh's followers should revel in the destruction they cause, knowing that every house they burn and every wound they inflict is a tribute to The Ruiner.  

Tenets of The Ruiner

  • Conquer and destroy.
  • Let your strength crush the weak.
  • Do as you will, and let no one stop you.

Piety Abilities

Gruumsh's Devotee

Piety 3+ Gruumsh trait
As a devotee of Gruumsh, you have proven your strength and allegiance to The Ruiner. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you may deal an additional 1D6 force damage to the target. You may use this trait a number of times equal to your Strength modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.  

Gruumsh's Votary

Piety 10+ Gruumsh trait
You have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks during combat. In addition, when you fail a Constitution check or Constitution saving throw, you can reroll the dice and you must use the new roll. Once you use this reroll, you can't do so until you finish a long rest.  

Gruumsh's Disciple

Piety 25+ Gruumsh trait
As a bonus action, you can call on Gruumsh's blessing, gaining the following benefit for 1 minute or until you are incapacitated: creatures within 30 feet of you can't gain advantage on attack rolls against you. Once you use this trait, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest.  

Champion of the Ruiner

Piety 50+ Gruumsh trait
You can increase your Strength or Constitution score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.  


The Prime Millenia

As the Destroyer Gods came to Albion, Gruumsh was one of the first to influence it. He brought the orcs and goblinoid to the land and instilled many of them with his endless thirst for blood and carnage. It was partly the raiding these groups committed which lead to the Creator Gods investigating and subsequently discovering the actions of the Destoryer Gods and later creating their aspects.  

The Age of Ascension

There was a big battle between Gruumsh and Corellon.   To Be Confirmed.  

The Post-Aspect Era (The Era of Restoration)

Gruumsh's desires have always been simple, and even with The Aspect Wars behind him, he continued his relentless pursuit of them: to watch the world burn and revel in the chaos his followers sow in the process. As always, he prioitises the destruction of the elves as a retort to the actions of Corellon, but in all other regards he happily allows his followers to be indiscriminate in their barbarism and simply indulge their barbaric desires.  


Places of Worship

  • here

Notable Worshipers

  • here
Divine Classification
Destroyer God
Chaotic Evil
Male (he/him)
Divine Domains
Death, Tempest and War

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