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Illusionist Cordelia Frostglow

Illusionist Cordelia Frostglow CR: 9

Medium humanoid, neutral
Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 81 (15D8+15)
Speed: 30 ft , swim: 30 ft


9 -1


14 +2


12 +1


18 +4


12 +1


11 +0

Saving Throws: Intelligence +8, Wisdom +5
Skills: Arcana +8, History +8
Damage Resistances: Acid
Senses: Darkvision 60ft., Passive Perception 11
Languages: Common, Aquan, Halfling and Sylvan
Challenge Rating: 9

Spellcasting. Cordelia is a 13th level spellcaster. Her spellcasting modifier is Intelligence (DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks) and she has the following wizard spells prepared:

  • Cantrips (at will): minor illusion.
  • 1st-level (4 slots): colour spray, disguise self, distort value, illusory script, silent image.
  • 2nd-level (3 slots): blur, invisibility, magic mouth, mirror image, nathair's mischief, nystul's magic aura, phantasmal force, shadow blade, silence.
  • 3rd-level (3 slots): fear, hypnotic pattern, phantom steed.
  • 4th-level (3 slots): greater invisibility, hallucinatory terrain, phantasmal killer.
  • 5th-level (2 slots): creation, dream, mislead, seeming.
  • 6th-level (1 slots): mental prison, programmed illusion.
  • 7th-level (1 slots): mirage arcane, project image, simulacrum.
Innate Spellcasting. Cordelia's innate spell casting ability is Intelligence (save DC 16). She can cast the following spells, requiring no material components:
  • At Will: acid splash.
  • 1/Day: create or destroy water, water walk.

Amphibious. Cordelia can breathe air and water.   Master of Illusion. Cordelia has advantage on any ability checks related to the illusion school of magic, and also on saving throws against spells from the illusion school of magic.


Multiattack. Cordelia makes three Arcane Burst attacks.   Arcane Burst. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5ft. or range 120ft., one target. Hit: 2D10+4 psychic damage.   BONUS ACTIONS   Displacement (Recharge 5–6). Cordelia projects an illusion that makes the illusionist appear to be standing in a place a few inches from its actual location, causing any creature to have disadvantage on attack rolls against her. The effect lasts for 1 minute, and it ends early if Cordelia takes damage, if she is incapacitated, or if her speed becomes 0.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cordelia is the newest member of the magisters and her talent for illusion had humble beginnings. During her formative years, she taught herself basic illusory magic as a way of playing practical jokes on her friends. In the years that followed, her prankster nature got her into trouble with the law more than once. At its apex, she was arrested for stealing a variety of valuable potions from Madame Rosemarie Seavale at The Witch's Cauldron and using the hallucinatory terrain spell to hide the missing vials for three days. Whilst in a prison cells, she was visited by Archmage Korfel, who offered her the position of Magister of Illusion, explaining he saw a great deal of potential in her. These days, she continues to study under the tutelage of the archmage himself whilst fulfilling her research duties in her spare time. Coredelia knows she is not favoured among her colleagues due to her age, but that has not stopped her prankster nature emerging in an attempt to break this underlying tension.

Gender Identity

Female (she/her)
True Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Magister - The Cloaks
Aligned Organization

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