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Lolth, the Spider Queen

Goddess of Spiders of Lies


Lolth is the chaotic evil god of shadow, lies, and spiders. Scheming and treachery are her commands, and her priests are a constant force of disruption in the otherwise stable society of the evil Drow. Outside of the dark elves, her cults find themselves scattered across the world, filled with individuals looking to overthrow elven civilisation or otherwise influence political and commercial powers. Though she is properly a god and not a demon, she is called Demon Queen of Spiders due to her origins stemming from The Abyss.   Following her tenets, Lolth looks for fealty from all drow, who she considers her children having brought them into the world. Aside from them, she desires for all her followers to seek out opportunities for claiming power and influence in the world. She expects them to do so with expert subtilty and slander as she has a strong distaste for more barbaric approaches. Those who count themselves amongst her most devout followers also take active step to destroy non-drow, elven civilisation.  

Tenets of The Spider Queen

  • Do whatever it takes to gain and hold power.
  • Rely on stealth and slander in preference to outright confrontation.
  • Seek the death of elves at every opportunity.

Piety Abilities

Lolth's Devotee

Piety 3+ Lolth trait
As a devotee of Lolth, you gain the ability to cast Find Familiar, requiring no material components. The familiar you summon takes the form of shimmering, purple and silver giant wolf spider and uses the appropriate stat block. You may cast this spell in this way a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. In addition, you know the Poison Spray cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting modifier for these spells.  

Lolth's Votary

Piety 10+ Lolth trait
Your words are inspired by the pantheon's greatest liar. You have advantage of Charisma (Deception) checks.  

Lolth's Disciple

Piety 25+ Lolth trait
When you are hidden from a creature and you miss it with an attack, making the attack doesn't reveal you position.  

Champion of The Spider Queen

Piety 50+ Lolth trait
You can increase your Dexterity or Charisma score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.  


The Prime Millenia

Lolth was one of the last Gods to extend their influence onto Albion. After discovering her nemesis, Corellon, had brought the elves to the world, she sought to bring her own children to exterminate them. Soon after, she began to look for other groups who shared her distaste for the elves and began to exert her influence on them, promising power if they could aid her in their removal.  

The Age of Ascension

Lolth's follower's infiltrated different governments to gain control of them.   To Be Confirmed.  

The Post-Aspect Era (The Era of Restoration)

Despite The Aspect Wars' end, Lolth's goals remain the same. She instructs her followers to infiltrate organisations and political structures to gain control over as much of Albion as possible. From this position, she knows her worshippers would then be in the best possible place to eradicate all elven life on Albion, finally getting the upper hand on her nemesis, Corellon.  


Places of Worship

  • Blackvale Keep. The headquarters of The Silver Hand also houses a church to The Spider Queen.
  • Yaunorsk. A temple of The Spider Queen located in The Underdark designed to subject her followers to a series of divine trials. 

Notable Worshipers

  • Larcenist Velkyn Shadowblade. The leader of The Silver Hand.
  • Ringleader Amalica Silver. A Ringerleader within The Silver Hand.
Divine Classification
Destroyer God
Chaotic Evil
Male (he/him)
Divine Domains
Knowledge and Trickery

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