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Melora, the Wildmother

Goddess of the Wilderness and Sea


Melora is the goddess of the wilderness and the sea. She is both the wild beast and the peaceful forest, the raging whirlpool and the quiet desert. Rangers and hunters revere her, and sailors make offerings to her before beginning their voyages. Worship to her is most popular among the elves, however examples can be found across Albion of all races revering her, in whichever land created by her they call home.   Following her tenets, Melora would see that Albion's natural spaces are protected and not pushed aside for the rapid expanse of civilisation. There is to be balance to be found in these two sides. Similarly, she would see the balance within nature itself maintained. Peacefulness and savagery are both a part of nature and she would see the people of Albion embrace them equally.  

Tenets of The Wildmother

  • Protect the wild places of the world from destruction and overuse. Oppose the rampant spread of cities and empires.
  • Hunt aberrant monsters and other abominations of nature.
  • Do not fear or condemn the savagery of nature. Live in harmony with the wild.

Piety Abilities

Melora's Devotee

Piety 3+ Melora trait
As a devotee of Melora, you have proven yourself a guardian of the wilds. You gain the ability to cast Hunter's Mark with this trait. Melora's blessing manifests as a emerald-green glow emanating dim light in a 5ft. radius from your weapon or ammunition. When you cast this spell this way, it does not require your concentration. You may cast this spell in this way a number of times equal to Wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.  

Melora's Votary

Piety 10+ Melora trait
You gain the ability to cast Plant Growth with this trait. All plant life grown with this spell appears deeper and more vibrant in colour than their naturally-growing equivalents. Once you cast this spell, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting modifier for this spell.  

Melora's Disciple

Piety 25+ Melora trait
Melora gifts you the knowledge of how to harness the full savagery of nature. You gain the ability to cast Guardian of Nature with this trait. When you cast this spell this way, it does not require your concentration. Once you cast this spell, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting modifier for this spell.  

Champion of The Wildmother

Piety 50+ Melora trait
You can increase your Dexterity or Wisdom score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.  


Nature's Splendour

Meldies 27th Newbirth
As spring draws to a close, Concordia's wilderness begins to go through a metamorphosis. The warmer weather and recent rains provide the perfect conditions for animals to birth their young, and the various species of flora begin to blossom, starting a period of a few weeks when the concordian countryside is a sea of colour. This day celebrates this turning point and is dedicated to Melora, the Wildmother. Celebrations on this day involve travelling to areas of natural beauty (preferably a place that person has not visited before), but those who cannot will typically plant a tree in observance of the holiday.  


The Prime Millenia

Melora is often considered the mother of Albion. During The Prime Millenia, she crafted the vast planes, filled the oceans with water and cultivated the first plant life in this world. She then brought forth the first sentient life to Albion, in the form of beasts and other creatures, before aiding the other creator gods in bring forth the various people who would also come to call this land home.  

The Age of Ascension

To Be Confirmed  

The Post-Aspect Era (The Era of Restoration)

Since the conclusion of The Aspect Wars, Melora has shifted her focus onto restoration, channelling her followers towards destroyed or heavily damaged natural spaces with either ecological or religious significance. Such places include The Heartland Forest in Concordia.  


Places of Worship

  • The Cherryblossom Grove. A sacred location to the church of The Wildmother located in Wealdstone.
  • Iphelora, the Blossom Wood. An ancient elvish temple dedicated to The Wildmother located in The Heartland Forest.
  • The Mother's Garden. A temple garden dedicated to Melora, the Wildmother, located in Shawcross
  • The Oakheart. The largest church to The Wildmother in Concordia located in The Mothertree.
  • Oceanbreeze Sanctum. A church dedicated to both The Wildmother and The Stormlord located in Wesdale.
  • The Ocean's Grace Sanctuary. A temple dedicated to The Wildmother located in Caer Carden.
  • The Sundry Hall. A communal religious space in Wesdale where worship towards The Wildmother can be observed and practiced.
  • The Tabernacle of Faith. A communal religious space in Newport where worship towards The Wildmother can be observed and practiced.
  • The Wayfinder's Sanctuary. A communal religious space in Mossgate where worship towards The Wildmother can be observed and practiced.

Notable Worshipers

  • Archbishop Valanthe Rothinel. The highest-ranking member of the church of The Wildmother in Concordia and the bishop of The Arborheart Sanctum in The Mothertree.
  • Bishop Eldon Leagallow. The resident bishop of The Wildmother and The Stormlord at Oceanbreeze Sanctum in Wesdale.
  • Bishop Feloren Caer Carden. The resident bishop of The Wildother at The Ocean's Gace Sanctuary in Caer Carden.
  • Bishop Juliana Raethran. The bishop of The Mother's Garden in Shawcross.
  • Garen Greenshore. The Master of the Wilds within Melora's Conclave.
  • The Knights of Valor. Some members of this guild worship Melora, finding their desire to combat aberrant monsters to be inline with his tenets.
  • Melora's Conclave. The members of the conclave strive to protect areas of natural beauty as well as hunt aberrant monsters.
  • Ulmarra Greenshore. A Winterstalker within Melora's Conclave and the daughter of Garen Greenshore.
Divine Classification
Creator God
True Neutral
Female (she/her)
Divine Domains
Life, Nature and Tempest

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