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Melora's Conclave


Melora's Conclave are a community of who live within The Heartland Forest in Concordia whose primary goal is to protect and maintain areas of natural beauty across Concordia. They began as a group of druids and rangers looking to restore The Heartland Forest after its destruction during The Confluence, however since then they have expanded their scope to encompass the whole continent.   The conclave consists of a few thousand people, including many druids, ranger and their families. Most live within The Mothertree, however other settlements in and around The Heartlands Forest also home conclave members. Most members work to cultivate and protect the areas they live, while others hunt aberrant monsters which occasionally plague the land, in accordance with the Wildmother's tenets.


The Terraguard and The Skyguard. Melora's Conclave is not a military faction, however their responsibilities inevitably lead to conflict with groups with opposing ideals. These are usually groups who would look to active harm the natural landscape of Concordia, which the conclave does not stand for. In order to combat those willing to oppose them with deadly force, the conclave developed a training program for some of its members. This created a two military units, both comprised fully by willing members of the conclave (of all ranks).   The Terraguard are the conclave's ground troops as are mostly made up by Springwarden and Summerstrider soldiers. However a number of Autumnreaver soldiers as also among the most elite troops within the Terraguard. They are all lead by the Suncrest Captain, an experienced Autumnreaver.   The Second unit is known as the Skyguard and they are the conclave's aerial support. This group is comprised completely of Autumnreaver soldiers who have access to flying mounts, including giant eagles and giant owls. They are all lead by the Starsky Captain, an experienced Winterstalker.   Master of the Wild. The Master of the Wild is the conclave's leader. They coordinate the efforts of all members, lead restoration projects across the continent and are responsible for the protection of The Heartland Forest. The Master of the Wild is typically elected from among the Winterstalkers and they serve in that position for as long as they are able or until they elect to step down.   Winterstalker. The second highest rank within the conclave. They are few in number (typically only 10 at a time) and are responsible for a number of key roles. These include: hunting forces which act against nature (a Stalker), leading restoration projects and protecting areas of great nature significant (a Guardian), leading the largest church of The Wildmother in Concordia (the Archbishop), maintaining the Arboreal Archives (the Archivist), protecting the portals to The Beastlands (the Gatekeeper) and leading the Skyguard (the Starsky Captain). Winterstalkers have access to the following:
  • Accommodations. The ability to purchase property within The Mothertree, and access to The Branch Quarter and Canopy Quarter of The Mothertree and their facilities.
  • Divine Services. The aid of clerical and druidic figures within the conclave who can cast spells and cover the costs for any components (up to 5th-level).
  • Resources. Access to mundane equipment, mounts including horses, giant eagles and giant owls, vehicles, coin, minor magic items, and a 50% on good and services with The Heartland Forest.
Autumnreaver. Senior members of the conclave who have either completed significant military service or achieved a great goal inline with the conclave's agenda. Autumnreavers have access to the following:
  • Accommodations. The ability to purchase property within The Mothertree, and access to The Branch Quarter of The Mothertree and its facilities.
  • Divine Services. The aid of clerical and druidic figures within the conclave who can cast spells and cover the costs for any components (up to 4th-level).
  • Resources. Access to mundane equipment, mounts including horses, giant eagles and giant owls, vehicles, coin, minor, consumable magic items, and a 25% on good and services with The Heartland Forest.
Summerstrider. Those who complete projects which actively further the conclave's goals are bestowed this rank. Established members of the Terraguard are also identified this way. Summerstriders have access to the following:
  • Accommodations. The ability to purchase property within The Mothertree.
  • Divine Services. The aid of clerical and druidic figures within the conclave who can cast spells and cover the costs for any components (up to 3rd-level).
  • Resources. Access to mundane equipment, horses and carts, and a 10% on good and services with The Heartland Forest.
Springwarden. The majority of the conclave's members share this rank. All adult citizens of The Mothertree are initiated as Springwardens. Those who join the the Terraguard typically join at this rank. Springwardens have access to the following:
  • Accommodations. The ability to purchase property within The Mothertree.
  • Divine Services. The aid of clerical and druidic figures within the conclave who can cast spells and cover the costs for any components (up to 2nd-level).
  • Resources. Access to mundane equipment, horses and carts.
Champion of the Conclave. Rare and significant individuals who join the conclave after being identified as powerful allies with goals similar to the conclave's agenda can be named as a Champion of the Conclave. These champions are admired as celebrities within the conclave and have access to the following amenities while working alongside them:
  • Accommodations. The ability to purchase property within The Mothertree, and access to The Branch Quarter and Canopy Quarter of The Mothertree and their facilities.
  • Divine Services. The aid of clerical and druidic figures within the conclave who can cast spells and cover the costs for any components (between 3rd and 5th-level, depending on the amount of service).
  • Resources. Access to mundane equipment, various mounts and vehicles, coin, minor magic items, and a 25-50% on good and services with The Heartland Forest (variables based on on the amount of service).

Additional Perks

Accommodations. The conclave holds multiple properties for purchase in all towns and cities both within and around The Heartland Forest. Members of the conclave can also be housed in barracks in special circumstances.   Training. The conclave can provide its members with training to gain proficiency in the following skills: Animal Handling, History, Medicine, Nature, Religion and Survival. Training undertaken this way during downtime activities takes half as long to complete.


Addmission. People are typically born into the conclave, with many of the famiies which make up its members having lived within The Mothertree for hundreds of years. Since its expansion pasts the boarders of The Heartland Forest though, the conclave has begun to accept new members. Potential new member are selected by preexisting members of the conclave, with the approval of a Autumnreaver or higher. These names are then brought to The master of the Wilds, who will decide if the individual's induction into the conclave will benefit everyone. Sometimes, The Master of the Wild will ask for a task to be completed by those wanting to join, as a demonstration of determination and ability. New members are inducted into the conclave during a ceremony held in The Oakheart, where the conclave comes together to welcome its new members.   Attire. Most members live within the The Mothertree and as such do not wear or carry any formal identification to show their membership. The Terraguard, Skyguard and all Winterstalkers however do have a more structured dress code, adoring themselves in cloth wrappings (similar to togas) in a mixture of green, brown and cream (all in natural shades). These tend to cross over any armour which is also worn. The Terraguard where clothes primarily containing brown, the Skyguard primarily display green and the Winterstalkers show more cream. Each member of the conclave also wears a pin which denotes their membership as well as their rank. These appear like holy symbols to The Wildmother, however the appearance of the plants which form them change depending on the season their rank is accociated with:
  • Springwarden. The flowers which decorate the symbol appear as small buds while the wood is painted a fresh green.
  • Summerstrider. The darker wooden ring of the symbol is barely visible behind its beautiful, multicoloured array of flowers.
  • Autumnreaver. Instead of flowers, this symbol is adorned with leaves of red, yellow and orange.
  • Winterstalker. Bearing no foliage or flower, this symbol appears simply as a dark-polished, carved, wooden symbol of The Wildmother.


One of the oldest guilds in Concordia, Melora's Conclave was formed soon after the end of The Confluence. Their goal was to attempt to restore the natural world back to what it had been like before. In the last 500 years, they have managed to cultivate the forests back to their original beauty, but still strike to restore the whole continent.   In recent years, with the ascension of the newest guild leader, they have begun to look at expanding their influence in the world beyond the boarders of their own forest. The Wildmother granted her Master of the Wild the ability to summon beasts from the outer plane known as The Beastlands. These creatures have been gifted with higher intelligence than their material plane counterparts and have been tasked to search out individuals who share the guild's love of nature and process good hearts, individuals to one day potentially bare the title 'Champion of the Conclave'.   One such beast is the panther Binx, who has chosen the Half-Elf Enna Goldpetal as his companion. Through Binx, and other beasts of his origin, the highest-ranking members of the conclave are able to scry on the chosen companions to judge whether they may become allies of The Wildmother and further her goals. It is also said Melora herself is able to watch the chosen individuals through the eyes of these beasts, their eyes flashing green when this happens.


Springwarden Soldier CR: 1

Medium humanoid, any good
Armor Class: 15 (Leather and Shield)
Hit Points: 30 (4D8+12)
Speed: 30 ft


12 +1


12 +1


12 +1


10 +0


11 +0


10 +0

Skills: Perception +2
Senses: Passive Perception 12
Languages: Common plus any one language
Challenge Rating: 1

Melora's Devotee (1/Day). The Springwarden can cast hunter's mark, without requiring concentration. Wisdom is the spellcasting ability for this spell.


Multiattack. The Springwarden makes two attacks with its spear.   Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 1D6+1 piercing damage, or 1D8+1 piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack.   Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapons Attack: +3 to hit, reach 30/120ft., one target. Hit: 1D6+1 piercing damage.


Summerstrider Soldier CR: 2

Medium humanoid, any good
Armor Class: 15 (Leather and Shield)
Hit Points: 80 (11D8+33)
Speed: 30 ft


14 +2


14 +2


14 +2


11 +0


12 +1


11 +0

Skills: Animal Handling +3, Nature +2, Perception +3, Survival +3
Senses: Passive Perception 13
Languages: Common plus any one language
Challenge Rating: 2

Melora's Devotee (1/Day). The Summerstrider can cast hunter's mark, without requiring concentration. Wisdom is the spellcasting ability for this spell.   Spellcasting. The Summerstrider casts one of the following spells, using Wisdom as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 11):

  • At Will: druidcraft, thorn whip (1D6).
  • 1/Day each: animal friendship, beast sense, entangle, speak with animals.


Multiattack. The Summerstrider makes two attacks with its spear.   Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 1D6+2 piercing damage, or 1D8+2 piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack.   Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapons Attack: +4 to hit, reach 30/120ft., one target. Hit: 1D6+2 piercing damage.


Autumnreaver Soldier CR: 5

Medium humanoid, any good
Armor Class: 17 (Studded Leather and Shield)
Hit Points: 120 (16D8+48)
Speed: 30 ft


16 +3


16 +3


16 +3


12 +1


14 +2


12 +1

Skills: Animal Handling +5, Nature +4, Perception +5, Survival +5
Senses: Passive Perception 15
Languages: Common plus any one language
Challenge Rating: 5

Melora's Devotee (2/Day). The Autumnreaver can cast hunter's mark, without requiring concentration. Wisdom is the spellcasting ability for this spell.   Melora's Votary (1/Day). The Autumnreaver can cast plant growth. Wisdom is the spellcasting ability for this spell.   Spellcasting. The Autumnreaver casts one of the following spells, using Wisdom as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 13):

  • At will: druidcraft, produce flame (2D8), thorn whip (2D6).
  • 3/day each: animal friendship, beast sense, entangle, speak with animals.
  • 1/day each: erupting earth, speak with plants, spike growth.


Multiattack. The Autumnreaver makes two attacks with its Longsword.   Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 1D8+3 piercing damage, or 1D10+3 piercing damage if used with two hands.


Winterstalker Soldier CR: 7

Medium humanoid, any good
Armor Class: 17 (Half-Plate)
Hit Points: 150 (20D8+60)
Speed: 30 ft


18 +4


16 +3


18 +4


13 +1


16 +3


13 +1

Skills: Animal Handling +9, Nature +7, Perception +6, Survival +9
Senses: Passive Perception 16
Languages: Common plus any one language
Challenge Rating: 7

Melora's Devotee (3/Day). The Winterstalker can cast hunter's mark, without requiring concentration. Wisdom is the spellcasting ability for this spell.   Melora's Votary (1/Day). The Winterstalker can cast plant growth. Wisdom is the spellcasting ability for this spell.   Spellcasting. The Winterstalker casts one of the following spells, using Wisdom as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 14):

  • At will: druidcraft, produce flame (2D8), thorn whip (2D6).
  • 3/day each: animal friendship, beast sense, cure wounds, entangle, speak with animals.
  • 2/day each: erupting earth, speak with plants, spike growth.
  • 1/day each: blight, charm monster.


Multiattack. The Winterstalker makes two attacks with its glaive.   Glaive. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 1D10+4 piercing damage plus 2D8 radiant damage.


  • The Heartland Forest

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