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45% Human, 25% Halfling, 10% Half-Elf, 10% Genasi (50% Water, 50% Earth), 5% Dwarf, 5% Other.   10% Noble/Merchant Class, 90% Working Class.


The town is overseen by the Lord Yeveldra. A meeting is held at her manor once a month in order to discuss town business.


The entire town is surrounded by a large, brick wall with only four passages out, one on each of the north and south sides of town through large stone arches, and one more at each of the end of the rive which bisects the town. Each of the entrances to the town by river is guarded by a pair of watchtowers which are continuously manned.   Lord Yeveldra commissions a force of 100 town guard, which patrol the streets through the day and night. They are lead by their dwarven captain, Adrik Frostbeard.


The Green Dragon. Located on the northern side of the river, this is the town's only tavern. It is owned and run by an ogrillon named Tork.   The Wayfinder's Sanctuary. A temple with dedicated worship space to all good and neutral aligned deities in Concordia. It is owned by the aasimar Thandra Rosewater, who attends to the needs of the people who visit alongside a small group of acolytes.   Wellby's Wares. A humble, but bustling, shop located on the south side of the river. The owner, a halfling named Wellby Underbough, stocks all manner of equipment and travelling supplies.

Guilds and Factions

The Knights of Valor. While there guild has no formal headquarters in the town, members can occasionally be found here, using it as a place to start adventures to the nearby wildlands.   The Scarlet Bards. Given its proximity to the bard's headquarters in Stanrigg, many performers come through the town and often perform on stage at The Green Dragon or on the street around town.   The Silver Hand. Given the town's popularity with travelling merchants, members of the thieves' guild can occasionally be found here.   The Steel Brotherhood. Similarly to the Knights of Valor, some mercenaries of the brotherhood can be found here making themselves available to merchants for bodyguard duties or to adventurers as hire hands.   The Wild Riders. The Wild Rider have no foothold within the town itself, however they will often attempt raids on it from the neighbouring Menagerie Hills. These are mostly pushed back sue to the town's defenses, but attacks are a known quantity to the citizens and those living on the eastern side of town rightfully fear them.


Mossgate has been a defined settlement for many centuries, dating back to before the time of The Confluence. It is believe it used to be an elven settlement due to the existence of its two stone arches, but not much is known about its past other than these theories. These days it functions primarily as an established rest stop for travellers looking to avoid the traitorous road through The Menagerie Hills.


Mossgate is popular with travellers merchants due to its location on the road between Stanrigg and Tordelvar (South). It is also a popular location for adventure to visit because of how close it is to both The Menagerie Hills and The Virescent Canopy.


Whilst most of the town architecture is fairly typical, its gateways are ancient, elven ruins which have been around since before The Confluence. The town is famous for these twin arches as much effort it put into preserving them.


The town is located at the edge of The Menagerie Hills and as such is overlooked by the surrounding high ground. A river also bisects the town, leading from the hills towards the coast, which the townspeople use as for transportation and fishing.

Natural Resources

Timber and seafood.


  • Mossgate
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