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Priest Rael Teinithra

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Raelis the priest of The Moonweaver at All-Faith Abbey, where she has worked for manyyears. She is famously married to the priest of The Arch Heart of the temple, Heian. She is responsible for nearly all of the wedding ceremonies in the city,a job which keeps her incredibly busy. SHe still finds time however to play pranks on her husband while they both work, helping to keep the spark of their relationsip alive after many years.   Rael is a very sweet person, who many see as very innocent. This is not entirely untrue, but she is more than capible of taking care of herself. She enjoys harmless pranks, but is averse to rowdiness and foul language and will only engage with these if absoultely necessary.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
432 68 Years old
Non-Binary (she/they)
Sehanine, the Moonweaver
Stat Block
Priest (MM p.348)
+ Sehanine's Devotee Trait

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