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Caer Carden


20% Human, 20% Half-Elf, 10% Halfling, 10% Dragonborn, 10% Tiefling, 5% Dwarf, 5% Genasi, 5% Gnome, 5% Half-Orc, 10% Other (including: Aarakocra, Aasimar, Bugbear, Changeling, Firbolg, Goblin, Goliath, Hobgoblin, Kenku, Kolbold, Orc, Owlin, Shifter, Triton and Yuan-Ti).


The city is governed as a gerontocracy, with the half-elven Ostoroth family at its head. Its current elder, Laucian Ostoroth, has held the position at the head of Caer Carden's government for nearly 10 years. Citizens pay annual taxes, which the family uses to pay for the city's maintenance and defences. With space within the city tight however, it is expected that those unable to pay their taxes will vacate the city to help minimise future overpopulation.


The Walls. The entirety of Caer Carden city level is surrounded by a 60-foot-tall, 10-foot-wide, stone wall supported by numerous towers. The wall has two gates, one to the east and one to the west, which are protected by reinforced wooden doors and manned by members of the city guard day and night.   The Falls of Goltorah. The city's famous waterfall is named after a famous half-elf inventor named Theriatis Goltorah, who successfully installed a mechanism which allows safe access to the cove below containing Mistcloak Harbour. The waterfall's crest passes through three large grates in the city wall. While open, the waterfall is unaffected, however the centre grate can be sealed to cause the waterfall to be spilt into two sections, creating an opening below where ships can sail in and out of the harbour. Communication between ships and the harbour with the gatehouse above the mechanism is managed through a pair of magical, stone tablet located in the towers either side of the falls, which are capable of establishing telepathc communication with the ship's crew and the harbourmaster.   The City Guard. Caer Carden hosts a force of approximately 1,000 city guard. These are headed by a half-orc named General Krusk Stoneguard. The city guard are responsible for manning the city gates and walls, protecting a number of important structures within the walls and making routine patrols across the city to ensure their presence if noticed and they are able to respond to situations quickly.   Magical Defences.
  • The Force Gates. The eastern and western gates leading out of the city are additionally enchanted with a magical barrier. In the event the city gates are breeched, a sigil corresponding to the gate kept inside Tidecall Tower can be broken to engage an invisible barrier across the doorway. These enchantments each function as separate Wall of Force spells and last for 10 minutes to allow time for the gates to be repaired during an assault.
  • The Tidecaller. For attacks from the water, Caer Carden is already very well protected by its geography, However, to supplement this, Tidecall Tower contains an arcane device, which when operated can magically alter the tide level in the area around the entrance to Mistcloak Harbour. The area of effect is 100 feet from the entrance of the cove and the water level can be raised and lowered up to 20 feet. A series of sharp rocks have also been positioned under the water, which will impale any boats caught in a lowered tide. Using this device has a cost though, as raising the tide will cause most of Mistcloak Harbour to flood.


The Devil's Anvil. A forge located in the west of the city, known for its immense red-fire forge and quality of its metalwork. The shop is easily identifiable from the street thanks to the continual plume of black smoke emanating from its chimney and the crimson glow seen though its front windows. It is owned by a tiefling named Kali Blacksteel, a famous blacksmith from the city who is also known for producing excellent magic weapons and armour for local adventurers.   The Kraken's Keg (Modest). An inn located in the west of Mistcloak Harbour. While it first appears as a fairly conventional tavern, it is owned by a gnome named Qualen Cogsprocket, a former inventor, and features a a large, mechanical kraken of his own design. The construct, complete with tentacles, emerges from the ceiling on occasion, spraying patrons with mist and serving specialist drinks. This makes it a very popular spot with sailors travelling to the city. The drinks the kraken serves include:
  • Elven Mint Breeze (Mojito)
  • Dwarven Hearthfire (Old Fashioned)
  • Pirate's Plunder (Daiquiri)
  • Phoenix Fireburst (Tequila Sunrise)
  • Gnome's Delight (Tom Collins)
  • Siren's Seduction (Sex on the Beach)
The Meat and Maple (Comfortable). A famous inn located in the north of the city, which can quickly be identified by locals and travellers alike thanks to the maple tree orchard at its rear. The Inn is famous for serving various meats with its signature maple syrup, extracted from trees cultivated in its orchard. It is owned by a dwarf named Ulfgar Sapstone, who prides himself on creating new combinations of meat and maple to add to his menu:
  • Maple-Glazed Turkey
  • Salmon with Maple Crust
  • Duck in a Maple Sauce
  • Maple-Marinated Chicken
  • Sticky Maple Pork Ribs
  • Maple Bacon Sandwiches
  • Braised, Maple Displacer Beast
  • Pan-Fried Ankheg with Maple Butter
  • Slow-Roasted, Maple-Basted Worg
Mistcloak Market. This market is located at the heart of its namesake harbour and is a bustling sight for trade and commerce in the city. Here, a variety of merchants from all across Concordia can be found selling their wares in the beautiful rows of colourful, covered market stalls. Typically, the stalls consist of merchants selling a range of mundane items. However, on occasion, specialist, unique, and even magic items have been known to come through, often causing a stir when they do. The market is also the place to visit to purchase illicit items. Finding these can be difficult though, with merchants protected by members of The Silver Hand and their identities only shared through word of mouth.   Tenpenny's Trinket Trading Post. This magic item emporium is located in the south-west of the city on a bustling intersection between multiple streets, quickly identifiable by three conical roofs atop the front of the building. It is owned by a halfling named Oswalt Tenpenny, who buys, sells and trades wonderous items of all shapes, sizes and rarities from both local people and travellers. Oswalt also boasts an excellent range of contacts from similar establishments across Concordia, which he keeps in touch with using an array of sending stones, to import and export items quickly, though he charges a fee for this service:
  • Runes and Relics, Wesdale. Archbald Stoutclaw, for rare and very rare wonderous items.
  • Windstine's Wizardly Wares, Newport. Isador Winstine, for common and uncommon wonderous items.
  • The Broken Vial, Norford. Alchemist Teoshi, for potions and poisons.
  • Mystic Manuscripts, Portholme. Hogar the Wise, for spell scrolls.
  • The Enlightened Nexus, Easthaven. Archbishop Acuity, for information of legendary items and artifacts.
  • Clatterdust's Crafted Curios, Sudthorpe. Carlin Clatterdust, for custom-made wonderous items.
  • The Armoury Arcane, Glenhythe. Oskar Fireforge, for weapons and armour.
The Triad. This eccentric tavern is located on the west side of the city and is popular with locals for its unusual decor and customs. The entire interior is decorated with shelves of unusual cups, goblets, glasses and tankards, either made by local people or gifted by travellers. Some patrons believe that some of the vessels may even be magic. It is owned by a Goblin named Gobi, who insists patrons order drinks in groups of three, one for hydration, one for energy and one for entertainment. She has separate menus for each of these categories and will not allow anyone to order one without the other two.
  • Hydration Menu. Water, fruit-infused water, milk and herbal tea.
  • Energy Menu. Regular tea, coffee and fruit juice.
  • Entertainment Menu. Wine, beer and spirits.

Guilds and Factions

The Beastbane Bastion. The headquarters of the Knights of Valour in the city is located along a northern portion of the outer wall, in a heavily modified tower purchased from the city. In this tower, the leader of the knights, a dragonborn named Commander Vrondiss Kerrhylon, trains, recruits and (alongside his knight marshals) plans expeditions into Wildwood when news of dangerous creatures or other threats reaches the city. The bastion is also equipped with several siege weapons. These include three rotating mangonels and a ballista, the later of which can be lowered from the bastion onto a track system and moved around the city wall to be repositioned quickly.   The Conleth Memorial. Located close to the eastern gate to Wildwood is a large statue of the fire genasi Conleth, of the Wildfire and his ape companion Tyson. The statue was erected after the pair saved the city from a series of attacks from earth elementals from the forest. It depicts the fire genasi in a powerful stance with one hand above his head holding a flame, while Tyson can be seen in a dominant stance, roaring and holding his hands out, which also contain flames. The square around the monument is frequently used as a meeting place for locals as well as a venue for events in the city.   The Fortune. The Fortune is a famous galley moored in Mistcloak Harbour. Most people know it as the home and place of business of the harbourmaster, a water genasi named Captain Marina Stormrider. However, very few know of her other position as the local Ringerleader for The Silver Hand. In this capacity, the lower floors of the vessel function as the guild's headquarters in the city. From this location and position of authority, The Silver Hand have complete control of import and exports and are able to secure passage for illegal or dangerous items at their discretion, all the while taking their cut to ensure the guild thrives.   Mosswood Manor. This three-storey, wooden lodge is located in the west of the city and is the headquarters of The Verdant Vanguard. Guild members make their home here and us its facilities to plan expeditions and train both their martial and magical skills. The guild's leader, a firbolg named Ilanis, of Caer Carden, maintains the building which is constructed from interconnected tree trunks with a roof covered with a specially cultivated, green moss Ilanis' family developed for use on their own homes.   Temple of the Silent Fang. A secret temple dedicated to Zehir, the Cloaked Serpent located beyond a series of secret tunnels leading from Mistcloak Harbour. It functions as the local headquarters for members of The Shadowmasters, lead by a yuan-ti pureblood named Blackblade Venom. The despite its primary function, the temple is still functional, with all the features of a traditional yuan-ti temple. These include a primary worship space, an elevated altar, prison sells for potential sacrifices and a laboratory for producing poisons. Venom heads a small cult of devoted followers to The Cloaked Serpent, which she uses as her own spy network and points of contact to help her carry out contracts.


Caer Carden is one of the oldest cities in Concordia, dating back to the Age of Ascension. When it was founded, it was not the great citadel it is today, but a humble town - and likely one of many in the area now known as Wildwood. Over the course of many years, the town grew, as did the forest which surrounded it. However, as this forest grew, so did the dangers which lurked within it. Caer Carden lost contact with the other nearby settlements and erected its now famous wall to keep the denizens of the newly named Wildwood out.   Thanks to its isolation, The Confluence did not affect Caer Carden much, however it did cause an event in the city's history know as 'The Rising'. When the Great Leviathan of the Elemental Plane of Water came to Concordia, The damage it left cause tectonic movement beneath the continent, it caused the neighbouring region, now known as The Mythspires to sink below the water and the now completely isolated isle of Wildwood to be jettisoned 100 feet above sea level, destroying much of the city in the process.   In the years that followed The Confluence, Caer Carden put aside its concerns with Wildwood to focus on its reconstruction. This process took many decades, however in this time the city able to expand into the exposed cove located beneath the city's foundations, transforming it into a bustling harbour and restoring travel and trade in the city.   Since then, Caer Carden has become a place of architectural marvel, natural beauty and great mystery, as the wonders beyond its gates are yet to be fully explored or understood.

Points of interest

All-Faith Abbey. This temple serves all worshippers of the Creator Gods who do not have their own dedicated temple within the city. It is located in the south-west of the city, where it can be easily accessed by the majority of the population. The exterior of the temple has multiple entrances, with stonework depicting holy symbols and physical representations of all the Creator Gods. Inside, the space is kept very open, however Creator Gods represented here each have a dedicated alcove where worship can be observed more privately. No bishops are appointed to this site, but each of the gods represented here has an appointed priest and numerous acolytes which maintain the temple carry out small ceremonies. The Creator Gods and their resident priests associated with them are as follows:
  • Bahamut. A dragonborn named Ruloth Delmirev
  • Corellon. A half-elf named Heian Teinithra
  • Ioun. A human named Lorelei Whitebloom
  • Moradin. A dwarf named Morana Ungart
  • Pelor. A fire genasi named Asher Greenfield
  • Sehanine. A half-elf named Rael Teinithra
The Assembly. This hall is a large, indoor spaces located in the south-east of the city. It is a very customisable space, with multiple, open-plan floors and access to basic magical augmentations to affect the interior's aesthetic. The space is used by the city for various functions and events, which are managed by a hobgoblin named Kolvar the Loud. Typically, the hall hosts events for national holidays, high-profile weddings and funerals, large-scale shows and performances, but Kolvar has also been known to arrange a range of other private events.   Briarguard Castle. The castle is the home of the ancestral guardians of Wildwood, the half-elven Ostoroth family. The keep was constructed when the city became a citadel and the Ostoroths have lived there since its construction. The castle has three floors with multiple towers and is not open to the public. When events or ceremonies require the use of the castle, guest rarely venture beyond its great hall, located just past its grand front doors. The keep is also protected by members of the city guard, with at least four guards always posted on its doors.   The Ocean's Grace Sanctuary. This temple dedicated to Melora, the Wildmother is located in the east of Mistcloak Harbour and is overseen by its bishop, a triton named Feloren Caer Carden. Its exterior leans heavily into nautical themes, with a moat surrounding it and its front entrance decorated with wave-like mosaics. Inside, the worship space is decorated with multiple, large water fountains, each with statues of sea creatures atop them, which sailors and other followers of The Wildmother use to pray. The back of the temple also houses a large, shallow pool, which is used during rituals and ceremonies. Other facilities, including an infirmary, library and public garden at the rear of the temple, are accessible from the main chamber, however the private quarters of the bishop are secured through an underwater tunnel located behind the shallow pool, which only those able to hold their breath for 3 minutes would be able to reach.   The Lorevault. The Lorevault is a library and museum dedicated to the history of Wildwood. Itis a three-storey building, with each floor notably larger in than its predecessor. Its arched walls supporting the ground floor provide nuermous alcoves, which contains ancient, elven statues recovered from the forest. Its collection is maintained and overseen by an owlin named Rolen Glintmantle, who boasts a collection of relics and texts dating back to The Confluence and beyond. Rolen will never consider his collection to be complete until the history of Wildwood is full understood and the island complete mapped. As a result, he often commissions adventurers to seek out artifacts he learns of to continue to build his collection.   Prosperity Hall. This temple dedicated to Avandra, the Changebringer is located in the north-west of the city, at the centre of a busy street leading to the western gate. The temple is built to face this gate, allowing those who visit it to see staight through the temple directly into Wildwood when they are open, in a manner symbolic of Avandra's patronage over travel and adventure. The bishop, a goliath named Keothi 'Pathfinder' Vaimei-Laga, primarily caters to adventurers looking to explore Wildwood and merchants looking for good fortune on their upcoming journeys. Adventurers in particular have developed a tradition of visiting the temple and leaving a donation before travelling into Wildwood, regardless of their religious inclinations. Many believe that misfortune will befall all who do not adhere to this, with some veteran explorers refusing to travel with those who do not actively worship The Changebringer and are regular faces at the temple.   Raven's Watch Memorial Park. Located on the small, forested island connected to the city's most southern bridge, this memorial park is the sight of most funerals in the city. It contains a small chapel inside a small, forested area, obscuring the view of the rest of the city, save for at its southern end where a space has been cultivated to allow access to the River Ferus and The Falls of Goltorah. Ceremonies held here are exclusive cremations and ash scatterings, which are especially popular with adventures who lose party members in Wildwood and is seen as an appropriate way of giving having a final send off, ensuring no future adventures can disturb their rest with necromantic magic. It is overseen by the local bishop of The Raven Queen, a human named Corvin Duskmantle, who prepares the deceased, performs the ceremonies and maintains the garden and its memorial stones. Corvin's chapel houses a magic cremation chamber, which uses immolation as a means of quickly cremating a body. The ashes are the scattered at the end of the garden into the river so where they can travel over the falls and 'return home'. Notable individuals with memoral stones laid here include:
  • Theriatis Goltorah. The inventor responsible for creating the gates at The Falls of Goltorah.
  • Rolph Hopsbrough. The former owner of The Old Oak (now named The Triad).
  • Euron Blacksteel. The former owner of The Devil's Anvil.
  • Willow Wiseacre. The former priest of Ioun for The Abbey of Insight.
Shimmerwave Fountain. A fountain, located in the west of the city, which is used as a space for public speaking, social gatherings and a promenent meeting point. Its cascading design is purposeful, mimicking The Falls of Goltorah, however the water which fills it comes from The Shimmerwave Strait and shines with the glittering brilliance of the water from that area of the ocean.   The Shrine of Progress. This temple dedicated to Erathis, the Lawbearer, is located in the north-east of the city and is overseen by its bishop, a human named Dalton Rudderford. The shrine has a walled, pale-stone courtyard, serving as a public gathering place and features matching statues of Erathis which lead up to the door to its main hall. The main building is supported by tall pillars inscribed with important laws, edicts and the philosophical teachings of The Lawbearer, which are adhered to in the city. The interior of the shrine consists primarily of a large worship space made of white marble filled with natural light. The far side of the chamber supports elevated seating for the bishop during ceremonies and a large stone depiction of Erathis' holy symbol. The shrine also houses a library containing books on law and civil matters as well as multiple council chambers, which both allow the space to be utilised as a courtroom when necessary. Below the shrine's public floor is the city's barracks and armoury, which are accessed by a pair of guarded staircases on the sides of the main hall.   The Stormward Temple. Located in the south-west of Mistcloak Harbour, this temple is dedicated to Kord, the Stormloard. The exterior is connected directly to the docks, with ships being able to moor to boardwalks owned by the temple. Inside, the main worship space is lowered, with tiered seating surrounding its elliptical floor. The walls and seats are made of dark stone and decorated with carvings depicting wind and storms. At the rear of the temple, located up a set of stairs carved into the cove's wall, is a small archway housing a large bell, known as the storm bell. This is rung during significant storms hit the exterior of the harbour and when significant ceremonies are being held at the temple below. These include competitions of strength, memorial services for lost ships or sailors and The Stormtamer Trials. A portion of the temples exterior by the private boardwalks is dedicated to a memorial wall for ships lost at sea. Local artisans craft bottled ships which resemble the lost vessel. These are displayed here alongside the names of the crew who were lost at sea. This sight is overseen by its bishop, an aarakocra named Aera, who performs ceremonies and oversees the running of the temple with, famously, four other aarakocra priests, named Deekek, Ikki, Quaf and Zeed.   Tidecall Tower. This tower is located at the southern end of the city and functions as its primary lighthouse. It is a five storey, roughly cylindrical building located close to the southernmost wall of the city. The arcane light it uses is enchanted float above the tower at a height above the city wall and locate nearby ships (adjusting its angle accordingly, making it completely automated). It is also the home of the city's top authority on arcane magic, an aasimar named Raziel, the Seer. On top of maintaining the lighthouse, Raziel also controls the magical defences the city boasts from this tower, including the tidecaller and the force gates. When not maintaining these arcane devices, Raziel has also been known to meet with adventurers who seek out both for her expertise as a multi-disciplined diviner and the spell scrolls she occasionally sells.   The Wayfearer's Lock. This stucture is the only means of transport between Mistclock Harbour and the city above. It is a tall, stone tower, which connects to a walled courtyard in the city above. Inside, a system of pumped water causes the floating floor of the lift to move through the tower, carrying both people and cargo. At the city level, cranes and other worker are available to move cargo to ensure journey with can be made quickly and efficiently. The walls are patrolled by members of the city guard, to ensure no trouble from those looking to enter the city.


Caer Carden is an extremely isolated city, but its claim of being the only civilised settlement on the isle of Wildwood brings it a lot of attention. This mostly attracts adventurers, looking to make their fortune in the famed forest which surrounds it, but merchants looking for a unique place to visit are also known to come to the city in their free time. Additionally, scholars from Easthaven and Wesdale have also been known to visit, to conduct research on one of the few areas of the continent which remains relatively untouched from before The Confluence.


  • Caer Carden
  • Mistcloak Harbour

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