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Sehanine, the Moonweaver

Goddess of the Moon, Love and Trickery


The goddess of the moon and autumn, Sehanine is often viewed as one of the more morally ambiguous creator gods due to her patronage over trickery and illusion. She is however also considered to be the goddess of love, where she sends her shadows to cloak lovers’ trysts. Those who work in secrecy and misdirection often seek her blessing as well as the elven and halfling cultures which often revere her.   Following her tenets, Sehanine asks her followers to relentlessly pursue their goals and agenda, provided it does not lead them to close to the extremes of either righteousness or wickedness. She wishes for them to experience new things and see amazing places, to move freely through life without taking root in any one place for too long, or else risk missing some of the wonders Albion has to offer.  

Tenets of The Moonweaver

  • Follow your goals and seek your own destiny.
  • Keep to the shadows, avoiding the blazing light of zealous good, and the utter darkness of evil.
  • Seek new horizons and new experiences, and let nothing tie you down.

Piety Abilities

Sehanine's Devotee

Piety 3+ Sehanine trait
You gain the ability to cast Disguise Self with this trait. While the spell is active, your shadow still resembles your original form. You may cast this spell in this way a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. In addition, you learn the Minor Illusion cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting modifier for both these spells.  

Sehanine's Votary

Piety 10+ Sehanine trait
Sehanine bestows you with the ability to command a portion of the moon's power. You gain the ability to cast Moonbeam with this trait, requiring no material components. Once you cast the spell in this way, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting modifier for this spell. In addition, you have advantage on saving throws against bring charmed.  

Sehanine's Disciple

Piety 25+ Sehanine trait
As a true follower of Sehanine, she gifts you with the ability to bend the shadows to you will, cloaking you from all but the keenest eyes. You gain the ability to cast Greater Invisibility with this trait. Once you cast the spell in this way, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest. Wisdom is you spellcasting modifier for this spell.  

Champion of The Moonweaver

Piety 50+ Sehanine trait
You can increase your Wisdom or Charisma score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.  



Sehdies 30th Avenflight
A day to celebrate the end of autumn and romance. The holiday was founded by worshipers of Sehanine, the Moonweaver who would, on the last day of autumn, propose to their potential spouse in the hopes of coming to live together over the colder, winter months. These days, it has evolved to become a celebration of love and romance, and an opportunity for people to declare these feelings to each other in the hopes of beginning new relationships.  

The Lunar Festival

Sehdies 20th High Moon
The longest night of the year and a day dedicated to Sehanine, the Moonweaver. People all over Concordia come together for a night-long celebration of dancing and music. It is tradition during this time to try and prank close friends and family, with trickery and illusions akin to the Moonweaver's domain. This is kept light-hearted though and is a meaning of connecting people on this night. It is said those who make it through to the dawn of the next day whilst avoiding the tricks of their friends and family receive Sehanine's blessing for the year.  


The Prime Millenia

Sehanine worked alongside Pelor and Kord in the first days of Albion to create the darkness night sky, complimenting the light an the sun and securing the passage of time as Pelor desired. She also created the first of Albion's moons, Cinnaress, as the anthesis to Pelor's sun, only to be seen at night.  

The Age of Ascension

To Be Confirmed   During The Aspect Wars, in a bid to give the followers of the creator gods an edge, Sehanine created Albion's first lycanthropes. She tied their power to Cinnaress and while these creatures proved effective at combating the forces of the destroyer gods first, those with the gift quickly began to turned more bestial and uncontrollable, a side effect she had not foreseen. By the time she realised this, the gift-turned-curse was too far spread to be able to contain. Sehanine still considers the creation of lycanthrope to be one of her greatest failures.  

The Post-Aspect Era (The Era of Restoration)

In recent years, Sehanine has returned her focus to promoting her core tenets to her followers. In particular, she pays close attention to the second, wishing no one to make a mistake like she did in creating the lycanthropes and stepping to close to the darkness of evil. She has also encouraged her followers to promote her patronage over love, establishing new holidays for this in her name.  


Places of Worship

  • All-Faith Abbey. A communal religious space in Caer Carden where worship towards The Moonweaver can be observed and practiced.
  • The Crescent Cathedral. The largest church to The Moonweaver in Concordia located to the west of Shawcross.

Notable Worshipers

  • Archbishop Claira Horineth. The highest-ranking member of the church of The Moonweaver in Concordia and the bishop of The Crescent Cathedral located to the west of Shawcross.
  • Priest Rael Teinithra. The resident priest of The Moonweaver at All-Faith Abbey in Caer Carden.
Divine Classification
Creator God
Chaotic Good
Female (she/her)
Divine Domains
Nature, Trickery and Twilight

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