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The Crimson Consortium


The Crimson Consortium are a research group based in Shawcross dedicated to the deployment and application of hemocraft, blood magic. The group was founded by Raphael Nightwing, a powerful wizard and alumni of the college of Witherbloom at Faerndaar, Phrontistry of Arcana. Its clerics and mages research the powers of hemocraft how how it can be used for the betterment of society, though the ethicises surrounding this magic are often brought into question.   The group is most famous for the elite warriors within its ranks, the Blood Hunters, who use this magic to seek out and destroy terrifying monsters, which can then be further research by scholars. While many in Shawcross feel ill at ease around members of the consortium, none can argue against the significance of the work they have undertaken in the time they have been formed and stories of their exploits and discoveries have reached far across the continent to many other repositories of knowledge, both improving and damning their reputation depending on who is asked.


The consortium is comprised of three chapters. Each of these has its own internal hierarchy, however all members are answerable to the Raphael Nightwing. The three groups and their function are as follows:   The Hemocrafters. The theoretical and practical study of blood magic is undertaken by the consortium's hemocrafters, a collection of determined arcane magic practitioners who Raphael has selected and taught the secrets of blood mage to. The chapter also contains a number of clerical practitioners, as new, divine ways to harness this magic are being discovered. The mages and clerics of this group are lead directly by Sanguinist Raphael Nightwing, alongside Dr. Clink. Hemocrafters have access to the following:
  • Accommodations. Lodging and access to communal facilities within the Nightwing Manor as well as various safehouses across Concordia which the consortium operates out of when outside the city.
  • Magical Services. The aid of arcane and clerical figures within the consortium who can cast spells and cover the costs for any components (up to 5th-level).
  • Research. The ability to gain assistance in research tasks made during downtime activities by another member of the consortium. Such help either halves the time required to conduct the desired research, or provide advantage on any ability check related to the undertaken research.
  • Resources. Access to mundane equipment, horses and carts, and minor magic items.
  • Training. You are able to undertake training in Alchemist's Supplies and Herbalism Kit. In addition, you can gain proficiency in Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Religion or Survival in the same manner.
The Blood Hunters. Blood Hunters are clever warriors driven by an unending determination to destroy evils old and new. Armed with rites of secretive blood magic and a willingness to sacrifice their own vitality and humanity for their cause, they protect the region and the wider continent from the shadows. They are lead by Clieutenantsmembers
  • Accommodations. Lodging and access to communal facilities within the Nightwing Manor as well as various safehouses across Concordia which the consortium operates out of when outside the city.
  • Divine Services. The aid of clerical figures within the consortium who can cast spells and cover the costs for any components (up to 5th-level).
  • Research. The ability to gain assistance in research tasks made during downtime activities by another member of the consortium. Such help either halves the time required to conduct the desired research, or provide advantage on any ability check related to the undertaken research.
  • Resources. Access to mundane equipment, horses and carts, minor magic items, and argent oak weapons.
  • Training. You are able to undertake training in any simple or martial weapons. In addition, you can gain proficiency in Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, History, Insight, Investigation, Religion or Survival in the same manner.
The Gore Guard. This most recent chapter was formed in 495 ER, when the rulers of Shawcross reached out to the consortium to see if its magic could bolster the city's soldiers. The sanguimancers developed a 'lighter' version of the ritual, which (while granting lesser powers) could be more easily bestowed onto soldiers who wished to receive it. The results created the gore guard, a garrison of soldiers enhanced with hemocraft which now head the protection of Shawcross under Lieutenant Shayna Wright. Gore Guard have access to the following:
  • Accommodations. Lodging and access to communal facilities within the Nightwing Manor.
  • Resources. Access to mundane equipment and horses and carts.
  • Divine Services. The aid of clerical figures within the consortium who can cast spells and cover the costs for any components (up to 2nd-level).

Additional Perks

Compensation. The consortium pays for the work its members complete. The nature of the compensation depends on the work, Gore Guard earn 2GP per day, while Blood Hunters and Hemocrafters earn compensation for each quest they complete. The nature of the compensation varies based on the nature of the work, however amounts starts at a minimum of 100GP. Quests may involve slaying monsters, seeking out lost artifacts or researching a certain topics.   Documentation. Each member possesses identification denoting their affiliation with the group. This association carries clout in other scholarly circles and can be used to help gain access to these areas, however there are those who view the research of the consortium as unethical and such documentation may negatively impact such endeavors.


Admission. Individuals looking to join the consortium are able to do so in a number of ways based on the position they seek. The Gore Guard are specially sellected from among the city guard of Shawcross. Blood Hunters are born from those Gore Guard members with the most experience as well as selected individual who have show promise in the fields of monster hunting and magic. Finally, the ranks of the hemocrafters are filled with scholars, wizards and clerics who either have a gift for hemocraft, have made personal strides in the field, or who have come with recommendation from other establishments, such as a professor from Faerndaar, Phrontistery of Arcana or one of the continents archbishops.


The group was formed by Sanguinist Raphael Nightwing when he returned to Shawcross, after his time at Faerndaar, Phrontistery of Arcana, having discovered the secrets of Hemocraft. As he continued to conduct his research, he employed a number of other mages, some also alumni of the College of Witherbloom, to work alongside him to develop this new magic, establishing the consortium formally.   Within the same year, Raphael scouted a number of potential candidates to conduct blood magic rituals on, in an attempt to create hemocraft-infused warriors. After many failed attempts, this lead to the birth of the consortium's blood hunters.   Since then, the consortium has continued to grow in size and influence as they perfect their unique magic.


Gore Guard CR: 3

Medium humanoid, any
Armor Class: 18 (Plate)
Hit Points: 52 (8D8+16)
Speed: 30 ft


16 +3


11 +0


14 +2


11 +0


11 +0


15 +2

Saving Throws: Constitution +4, Wisdom +2
Senses: Passive Perception 10
Languages: Common
Challenge Rating: 3

Brave. The Gore Guard has advantage on saving throws against being frightened.


Multiattack. The Gore Guard makes two melee attacks.   Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 2D6+3 slashing damage.   Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 1D10 piercing damage.     BOUS ACTIONS   Vital Sacrifice. The Gore Guard can chose to take 1D6 necrotic damage to gain a blood boon. This boon lasts 1 hour, or until expended. The Gore Guard can expend its blood Boon to gain one of the following benefits:

  • When the Gore Guard makes an attack roll, it rolls 1D6 and adds it to the total.
  • When the Gore Guard hits with an attack, it deals an additional 2D6 necrotic damage.
  • When the Gore Guard causes a creature to make a Strength, Dexterity or Constitution saving throw, it rolls a D4 and reduces their result by the amount rolled.
The damage the Gore Guard takes to gain a blood boon can't be reduced in any way.


Parry. The Gore Guard adds 2 to its AC against one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the Gore Guard must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.

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