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15% Elf (95% wood, 5% high), 12% Half-Elf (80% wood, 20% high), 10% Human, 10% Dragonborn, 10% Firbolg, 10% Gnome, 8% Halfling, 5% Satyr, 20% Others (Including: Aarakocra, Bugbear, Centaur, Changeling, Dwarf, Fairy, Genasi, Goblin, Goliath, Hadozee, Half-Orc, Harengon, Hobgoblin, Kenku, Kobold, Leonin, Minotaur, Shifter, Tabaxi, Tiefling, Tortle, Triton, Orc and Owlin).   10% of the Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Halfling, Human and Tiefling population are metallic half-dragons.


The city is governed as part of the wider feudal system in Fylkirheim. It is ruled by a Villrfellian Thane named Aial Thanesson. Aial maintains the city with the aid of the city guard and a number of influential merchant families. Aial and the merchants make decisions and enact policies which affect the city, while the city guard enforce those decisions.   Taxes pay for large sum of the city's maintaince and defense. These taxes include a 'visitors' tax', which any non-resident travelling into the city is required to pay. The amount totals 1SP per day, payable on departure from the city. The city guard man control points on each exit to the city, notably each gate leading into Villrfell, the harbour and the skyport and use a network of enchanted stone tablets to collaberatively keeptrack of people entering the city, the amount of days they have been in the city and by extension amount owed. traveller's unable to pay the tax on departure from the city are required to take up jobs in the harbour (earning 2SP per day) until their tax has been paid.




All-Pterrain Vehicles. A famous wainwright located in the south-west of the city, close to the city gates. The shop appears as a large manor house built on top of an open-walled stable, specifically designed to house the unique dinosaur mounts the busness hatches and trains. As the busniess grew however, additional stabling was built next to the property, which face the main road leading from the city gate, giving the busniess excellent visability to those travel to and from the city from this gate. It is owned by a gnome named Fonkin Folkor, who breeds and raises hadrosaurs from eggs for use as mounts and pack animals.   The Golden Wyrm (Modest). A tavern located in the south of the city, which is popular with the local dragonborn population. It was founded by refugees from Dracoria after The Aspect Wars and is currently run by a gold half-dragon named Torinn Asason. The tavern overlooks the north banks of the river and has an enclosed garden out front where patrons can enjoy their drinks beneath the willow tress which grow here. The interior of the tavern is dark but comfortable, with dark wood tables, deep-red, leather cushions and torch scones filling the space in a warm glow.    The Hearth and Horn (Comfortable). A tavern located in the north of the city, which is most used by the local residents of the city. Its interior is decorated with the heads of numerous horned creature (including: chimera, gorgons and even some young and wymling chromatic dragons), with the horns of similar creatures being used as cups for all their drinks. It is owned by a firbolg named Leshanna, of Skipgard, who famously will pay travellers good money for the horns or heads of any creature who would harm the forest beyond the city's boarders (or the city itself).   Immeral's Immaculate Imports. A modest magic item shop located in the north-east of the city. It is owned by the elf Immeral, who uses connections in the Kaupstefna, harbour and skyport to locate interesting items which he can sell to travellers and adventurers. The shop may be small, built into the bottom floor of the tower Immeral calls home (with tight shelves and low beams crammed full of merchandise), but it is the best place in the city to aquire items from across Fylkirheim and abroard. The shop    The Kaupstefna. The Kaupstefna is a large, multicultural market located in the center of the city. It is situated between Villrfell Park and the city's eastern bridge, putting it in a prime location to be constantly filled by the foot traffic expercted from such a busy intersection. It is where most merchants travelling into the city sell their wares. Typically, merchants at the market can be found selling the full range of mundane items from across Fylkirheim and beyond, with many of the stalls decorated in the colours and patterns of their owners' culture. Occasionally however, it is possible to find and purchase more specialist items and even magic items. When these come through the market, they don't often last long before they are bought up.   Nature's Nook. A second magic item shop located in the south of the city. This establishment differs from Immeral's as it exclusively sells wares found or crafted in Villrfell. The shop is built into the trunk of a large oak tree which is said to have grown after being watered exclusively by the verdant waters from around The Coralbay Shrine. It is owned by a harengon named Nalir Burrowbreeze, who takes great joy collecting and selling magic items from her home, particularly anything completely handcrafted.   The Sailor's Sanctuary (Modest). A large inn located in the south-east of the city, near the city trade harbour. It is incredibly popular with travelling sailors and merchant coming in to the city thanks to its proximity to the harbour. Due to the wide range of clientele it caters to, the inn is known for being very multicultral, with its interior decoration drawing inspiration from Al-Tashar, Magnerium and Lokria in The Darastrix Dominion. Outside, seats are place around large flat stones, which function as communal tables, which overlook the river. At night, a large fire is lit to illuminatethe area a provide warm against the winds travelling in from beyond the harbour. It is owned by a hadozee named Kasha Wavedancer, who enjoys hearing stories from people who have travelled from far away places and is known for giving away free drinks for really interesting tales.   The Sylvan Smithery. A blacksmiths and metalworking studio located just off the center of the city, south-east of Triscale Hall. The forge is famously open to the elements, with much of the machinery found in the garden outside of the shop, which is found in the centre of of a small district in the city, detatched from nearby buildings for the safety of the other residents. Despite the black smoke which comes from the forge and chaotic mess patrons can find the place left in, the tools and equipment used here have an elven and otherworldly quality, decorated with delicate embelishments resembling sceneof the feywild. The sho and garden forge are enclosed by an iron fence, which mirrors these details. It is owned by a satyr named Lyra Sparksong, who is known for her incredibly intericate and fey-inspired designs for the pieces she creates.

Guilds and Factions

The Arbor’s Edge. This guildhall, located in the west of the city, is the home to the Skipgard branch of The Hurbryn Highwayman. The entrance to the hall famously has a large, enclosed garden, which is used as a social space by memebers of the guild, while the hall is prodominantly open plan and predominantly built on a single floor to accomadate the centaur guild members. The hall is home to approximately 30 members at any given time and is maintained by a centaur named Andraste Cithreth.   Dýr Lodge. Located in the north-west of the city, this manor house is the headquarters of the Skipgard branch of The Veiða. The manor is built on three floors, with busts, paintings and taxidermied examples of some of the creatures members have slain decorateing the large rooms, walls and corridors. A balcony on its southern edge is used as a sparring ground and a tower onits northern side functions as the guild's regional leader (or ............), a human named Eghan Ragnarsson. Eghan directs the guild's missions and has recently expanded the guild's vision to battling sea monsters when reports and rumours of such creatures come through the harbour.   The Skáldi Sagahouse. This guildhall, located in the north-east of the city, functions as a library of the Skáldi's stories from the Villrfell region. The guildhalltakes the form of a longhouse located along the bank of one of the city's canals. Inside, the hall houses an impressive libary of stories, poem and music written by the guilds members as well as copies of famous manuscripts from artists from Fylkirheim's past. The Sagahouse is protected by a dwarf named Oskar Battleballad, who can often be found in the city meeting with travellers and trading stories to add to the his collection.   The Skywrights' Association Offices. The offices of The Skywirghts Association are located inat the endtrance to the city's skyport. The offices fuction as both an admistration building and secure entrance to the skyport, with all travellers and skyship owners having to enter through a large, arched tunnel which cuts through the center of the structure and is guarded by members of the association and the city guard. Here, owners of skyships are able to speak to the resident guild representitives to aquire parts and services to maintain their ships. The offices also house a number of rooms which it provides to some of its most important clients when travelling to the city, though thse are not openly known about except for those who have been offered them. The head of the guild in the city is a tiefling named Nemeia Farasdottir. Nemeia is known by those who frequent the skyport regularly and as a result is highly connected with the skyship merchants of travel to Villrfell.   The Svikari Guildhall. The Svikari's guildhall is located within The Sailor's Sanctuary, in a basement level only accessible by a secret staircase in one of the bedrooms. While Kasha is aware of the guild's establishment, she is not herself a member.The guildtook up residentce in her inn as part of a deal Kasha made with Vil, the guild's changeling leader in the city. ............ While the guild operate from this location, they do not conduct business here, preferring to keep the location of the guildhall secret. Instead, they can be found in The Kaupstefna, where a number of their memebers operate trade stalls as a front for guild buiness.



Points of interest

The Coralbay Shrine. This shrine, located in the south of the city is dedicated to Melora, the Wildmother. The temple is access by four covered walkways, the space between which contain beautiful grardens of tulips. The inner sanctum of the shrine houses a bowled, circular worship space, accessable by staircases on each side by the entrances, which is decorated with motifs of water and plantlife and can be filled with holy water from a reserve under the floor during ceremonies. On its western side, instead of a tulip garden, the shrine opens out to an inlet from the neighbouring canal, which functions as a 'healing pool'. Stairs build into the inlet leading to a raise floor allow access to the water safely without dropping to the full depth of the canal. It is from this inlet that the emerald-green colouration of the water in this canal originates. The water is said to be a divine sign of The Wildmother's connection to Skipgard and follower's of the wildmother will often request vials of the green water as mementos of their visit to the shrine (with some even reporting the water to have magical properties). The shrine is overseen by a tortle named Gura, who famously begun the practise of performing cleansing ceremonies in the temple's healing pool.
  • Coralbay Holy Water. ...holy water with healing properties when used by sonmeone with melora piety....
  The Gate of New Beginnings. This temple dedicated to Avandra, the Changebringer is located in the north-east of the city and marks the main entrance to the city. ............ It is protected by memebers of the city guard, but overseen officially by an Owling named Zephyra Swiftwing, who founded the temple after journeying from her home in Magnerium.   Skysea Harbour. Located on the ............ of Skipgard is the city's docks and skyport, a location where merchants and other sailors travelling by sea can safely moor their vessels and Fylkirian skyships can dock while under the protection of the ocal division of The Skywrights. ............ the harbour is patrolled by members of the city guard, who also man a gatehouse to collect the city's visitor tax, however The Skywrights also have their local headquarters located by the skyport (see above). The harbour also has its own shipwright and repair shop, which is owned by a half-elf named Adran Skiphöfn. Adran is an expert at crafting and repairing seaborne vehicles, with many regular merchants seeking the services of him and his carpenters.   The Tidehaven Temple. This temple is located in the south-east and is dedicated to Kord, the Stormlord. It was built near the city's harbour to allow easy access for sailors visiting, who wish to pay the respects or make an offering before a long journey, and is accessed by a series of six, large sets of stairs which cross a moat around its perimeter. The inside of the temple is adorned with statues of great sailors and warriors from Fylkirian history, which surround an open-plan worship space. These statues include depictions of:
  • 1
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It is overseen by a water genasi named Fjord Sjávar, who has served in the temple all his life and is a friendly face to all followers of The Stormlord who frequent the temple during their travels.   Triscale Hall. This temple is the largest in the Skipgard and is located in the west of the city. It is dedicated to thee dieties, who are known to be closely linked: Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon, Selara, the Prime Aureate and Martivir, the Burnished Warden. The temple itself has a communal worship space down its central aisle , while each of its large alcove contains a large shrine to one of each of the dieties worshipped here. Out front, three large metal statues mark the entrance to the temple, each depicting one of the dieties in is equivilant metal. The temple is overseen by a trio of bishops, one dedicated to each of the dieties:
  • Bahamut. An orc named Lotar, the Just
  • Selara. A dragonborn named Gilkass Kimbatuul
  • Martivir. A half-orc named Rendar Sjómann
The three leaders of the temple conduct their own business in the temple and also work together on matters which relate to their shared tenets. They also conduct research into the history of the greatwyrms of Albion, with the intention of gaining a better understanding of their powers and motivations.




  • Skipgard

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