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Visionary - Guild Leader.   Biomancer - The most senior physiciansin the guild.   Manipulator - Senior guild memebers who specilist in practical experiments.   Grafter - Guild members who undertakes practical experiments and field research.   Researcher - New Recruits who focus on theoretical research.   Guild members rise through the ranks through either producing pieces of research or making new discoveries in the field and bring evidence of them to higher ranking officials. The guild trains it's member in the art of practical experimentation on the test subjects they collect, and sometime each other. The current guild leader has been in the position since the guild's inception.


Possible Synthesis Creations:
  • Bulette
  • Chimera
  • Mnticore
  • Dire Troll
  • Rot Troll
  • Spirit Troll
  • Venom Troll
  • Amphisbaena
  • Cerberi
  • Dracohydra
  • Draconians
  • Dragonblood Ooze
  • Dragonflesh Grafter
  • Dragonflesh Abomination
  • Elder Brain Dragon
  • Possible Yuan-Ti Relation?

Public Agenda

The guild was established to give wizards and scholars the opportunity to conduct morally ambiguous and ethically questionable arcane experiments and research out of the public eye. Much of this research falls within the realm of creating new creatures and transmutation, however thereare other facets.   One of the guild largest projects involves finding a way to coexist with the Elemntal Planes, however they want to do this by merging with the elemental forces in an accelerated form of evolution.


The guild has it's main headquarters in Portholme, but it also has research facilities in Auchendow and The Frigid Wastes. A forth base was set up in The Badlands, however it was destroyed in recent years. They own ships to make transport across the Levithan Channel easier and have captured a variety of denizens from the Elemental planes, which they use for their research.


Professor Arbaroth Colmik was originally a high-ranking member of the Cloaks of Korfel, however his was expelled after his superiors discovered he was planning conduct unethical experiments to explore how the forces of the Elemental Planes could be utilised. After this he fled the mainland of the continent and set up his own laboratory to continue his research. Over time, he amassed a following and was able to expand his practice across the entire continent.

Five Worlds, One Existence

Founding Date
456 ER
Secret, Occult
Notable Members

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