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The Raven Queen, the Matron of Ravens

Goddess of Death


The name of the goddess of death is long forgotten, but she is called the Raven Queen. She is the spinner of fate and the patron of winter. She marks the end of each mortal life and mourners call upon her during funeral rites, in the hope that she will guard the departed from he curse of undeath.   Following her tenets, The Raven Queen asks her followers to make their peace with the concept of death, viewing it as simply another part of life, and help other adopt this perspective in times of need. In a similar vein, she expects her followers to trust in the concept of fate as the gods all have plans beyond mortal comprehension and she is its arbiter. Finally, she asks her follower to be vigilant against the forces of undeath and to actively oppose it wherever possible. Those who promote the creation of undead are chief amongst her enemies.  

Tenets of The Matron of Ravens

  • Hold no pity for those who suffer and die, for death is the natural end of life.
  • Bring down the proud who try to cast of the chains of fate. As the instrument of the Raven Queen, you must punish hubris where you find it.
  • Watch for the cults of Orcus and those who follow the will of Vecna. Stamp them out when they arise as either entity would claim her domain for themself.

Piety Abilities

The Raven Queen's Devotee

Piety 3+ The Raven Queen trait
Your life is intertwined with the fate of the dead. You gain the ability to cast Gentle Repose with this trait, requiring no material components. You may cast this spell this way a number of times equal to your Wisdom Modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.  

The Raven Queen's Votary

Piety 10+ The Raven Queen trait
You gain the ability to cast Speak with Dead with this trait, requiring no material components. Once you cast this spell in this way, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.  

The Raven Queen's Disciple

Piety 25+ The Raven Queen trait
You gain the ability to cast False Life with this trait, requiring no material components When you do so, you gain an additional 25 temporary hit points. While you have these temporary hit points, your shoulders appear covered by a mantle of jet-black feathers, which drape down your back like a cloak. Once you cast this spell in this way, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell.  

Champion of The Matron

Piety 50+ The Raven Queen trait
You can increase your Constitution or Wisdom score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.  


The Week of Fate

Avandies 21st - Sehdies 30th Icethaw
The last week of the year is dedicated to The Raven Queen and her dominion over people's destinies. Families come together to recall strange events, both positive and negative, which occurred throughout the year and how they led individuals to where they are today. It is a time of remembrance and an opportunity to reflect on past actions in the light of the new year starting. Some people also look to divine what the new year might have in store for them and set goals for what they want to achieve, praying to The Matron of Ravens for the gods to include those goals in their plans for them.  


The Prime Millenia

The Raven Queen influence on the world came slowly as the need for her guidance grew. She helped the earliest people of Albion come to terms with the concept of death, taught them funeral rites and gifted them with the knowledge of what happened after they passed away. This lead to a very positive relationship between the people and The Maton and her teachings became commonplace across the world.  

The Age of Ascension

It was during The Age of Ascension when The Raven Queen and her followers first began to contend with undeath.   Due to the vast amount of death during The Aspect Wars, The Raven Queen was forced to take a more passive role during the conflict as she attended to the countless souls of the departed.   To Be Confirmed  

The Post-Aspect Era (The Era of Restoration)

With The Aspect Wars at an end, The Raven Queen found herself able to return her focus to her followers and the living people of Albion. She charged her follower with caring for those who had lost loved ones during the struggle and help the people of Albion make peace with their pain.   Since then, worship towards The Raven Queen has been met with unease due to her absence for much of The Aspect Wars and people's mindset towards death changing after experiencing so much of it. Still, she and her followers continue to promote the a positive outlook on death and trust in the concept of fate while being ever vigilant for the forces of undeath which would seek to undermine her domain.  


Places of Worship

  • The Grand Sepulcher. The largest church to The Raven Queen in Concordia located in The Morndin Ridge.
  • Raven's Watch Memorial Park. A temple dedicated to The Raven Queen located in Caer Carden.

Notable Worshipers

  • Archbishop Xanaphia Naïlo. The highest-ranking member of the church of The The Raven Queen in Concordia and the bishop of The Grand Sepulchre in The Morndin Ridge.
  • Bishop Corvin Duskmantle. The resident bishop of The Raven Queen at Raven's Watch Memorial Park in Caer Carden
Divine Classification
Creator God
Lawful Neutral
Female (she/her)
Divine Domains
Death, Grave, Life and Twilight

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