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Urzmaktok Grojsh

Mental characteristics

Personal history

First to class, last to leave, and always asking for additional homework, Urzmaktok is a meticulous student. Despite his consistently high marks, Urzmaktok makes no attempts to show off, although his studies seem rudimentary to him. Rumour has it that he is completing enough modules to earn multiples certifications when he graduates.   Urzmaktok works for the Campus Magic Labs as a specimen preparer. This additional access to the labs also allows him to run his personal experiments in peace. Unsurprisingly, he is also a member of the Fantastical Horticultural Club. There, he looks to develop new species of plants that might yield new ingredients for potions.   Urzmaktok makes it clear he wants everyone to use his full first name. Should anyone use a nickname, he won't acknowledge the address.
True Neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
475 25 Years old
Male (he/him)
Stat Block
Witherbloom Apprentice (SCC p.221)
+ Orc Traits

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