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The Concordian Timeline

The Confluence

  • 2,941 AA (The Year of The Confluence)
    Climate Disturbances
    Geological / environmental event

    An unknown, powerful being, in the midst of their experiments manipulating the weave, caused The Inner Planes to ‘bleed’ into the continent. At first, the effects of this where relatively minor, the heatwaves, small earthquakes, high-speed winds and floods sweeping across the land were originally considered nothing more than an inconvenience. However, they soon escalated into more deadly events.

  • 2,941 AA (The Year of The Confluence)
    The First Great Crossing
    Military action

    Concordia’s ruler of the time, High King Edgar Beaumont, saw these natural disasters as omens of more troubling things to come and it wasn’t long after this when the first of The Great Crossings from the elemental planes occurred. Denizens of the planes began appearing across the continent and the High King saw this as an assault on his country and ordered the extermination of these creatures.

  • 2,941 AA (The Year of The Confluence)
    The Declaration of War
    Military action

    Due to the actions of High King Edgar Beaumont, the genie rulers of each of The Inner Planes declared war on Concordia and began sending creatures and elementals to conquer its lands.

  • 2,941 AA (The Year of The Confluence)
    The Second Great Crossing
    Military action

    With five nations now vying for control, the geography of the land completely changed. Some of the most dramatic effects The Second Great Crossing had on the country included: creatures from The Plane of Water swimming up the northern rivers and flooding the plains, creating what is known now as Lake Marimer; earthen elementals erupting from the ground and forming vast mountain ranges, which were later named The Ersatz Mountains and The Cloudspires; the Heartland Forest being assaulted by elementals from The Plane of Fire and being completely burnt down; air elementals taking up residence in the south of the continent, causing hurricane-like winds to blow across the land, which in turned shaped region now named The Menagerie Hills; the lands to the south of this region additionally being left completely barren after clashes between these creature and fire elementals, causing wildfires to rip across the once-lush countryside; and finally the country’s south-western peninsula becoming completely a hellscape, thanks to the creatures from The Earth and Fire Planes which fought there causing volcanos to erupt from the earth and large, unnatural mountain to form.

  • 2,941 AA (The Year of The Confluence)
    The Arrival of the Genies
    Population Migration / Travel

    As the war progressed, the leading genies from each plane travelled to the Concordia in order to further establish their hold on the land. They took control of various cities which had fallen and imposed their rule onto its remaining people. To avoid this, many citizens fled their homes for the safety of the capital city of Easthaven. The city was an impregnable fortress and had survived numerous assaults from each of the elemental planes up till this time. This forced the genie leaders to enact The Third Great Crossing, summoning to their sides the most powerful creates from their respective homes, the Elder Elementals.

  • 2,941 AA (The Year of The Confluence)
    The Third Great Crossing
    Military action

    The arrival of the Elder Elementals quickly turned the tide of the war against the people of Concordia as they swept across the country and killed thousands. The most notable of these attacks was when The Great Leviathan of The Plane of Water flooded the strait which ran through the country, obliterating the city of Astbrough in the process, before attacking the port of Easthaven. The other three Elder Elementals took this as their opportunity and all four elemental planes descended onto the city at the same time.

  • 2,941 AA (The Year of The Confluence)
    The Tritons
    Population Migration / Travel

    With The Confluence in full swing in Concordia, a group of tritons native to the elemental plane of water came into the world with the view of aiding humanity in what they view was an unjust war, introducing the races to the oceans and seas across the world in the process.

    Additional timelines
  • 2,941 AA (The Year of The Confluence)
    The Banishment
    Military action

    During the seemly final moments for Easthaven, a mysterious event occurred which banished the majority of the planar invaders back to their respective homes and severed most of the connections made between them and Concordia. This ended the war and marked the beginning of Concordia's Era of Restoration.

The Era of Restoration

  • 1 ER
    The Exodus of the Elves
    Population Migration / Travel

    Over 90% of the country’s population have been killed during the fighting, with some races being pushed to the brink of extinction in the country. The most-affected people were the elves, who, in the wake of The Confluence, declared they were to leave the country. They retreated to their ancestral homes in The Elderwood, where they announced they would be isolating themselves until their people had managed to successfully repopulate and recover everything they had lost during this time.

  • 1 ER
    The New Royal Family and Government Overhaul
    Political event

    As a results of the devastation on Concordia’s lands and people, the power structure of the country had to be completely overhauled. The Beaumont family abdicated the throne in the wake of the mistakes made by High King Edgar at the beginning of the war, being succeeded by the noble Winstrong family, who turned the government from the feudal system into a confederacy, with each of Concordia’s provinces becoming responsible for its own government, whilst still being answerable to the capital and the High King. This empowered each province to enact policies tailored to the restoration of that potion of the country with the primary goal of each government to rebuild their lands put in place legislation and defences which would stop an event like The Confluence happening again.

  • 1 ER
    The Inauguration of Marrake I
    Political event

    Marrake I became the Grand Vizier of The Auchendow Province. He later died in 114 ER.

  • 1 ER
    The Forming of The Knights of Valor

    In the wake of The Confluence and Concordia's political shake-up, a group of powerful adventurers, along with esteemed knight and soldiers from the previous year's war, formed the guild to act as Concordia's first defence should the country ever be attacked again.

  • 1 ER
    The Forming of Melora's Conclave

    In the wake of the destruction wrought of The Heartland Forest, a group of druids and rangers came together to attempt to restore the land where it once stood to its former glory. They pledged to regrow the forest and protect it from anything like this happening again.

  • 2 ER
    The Splitting of Tordelvar
    Population Migration / Travel

    With the great dwarven kingdom weakened after The Confluence, denizens of The Underdark attacked the dwarves in an attempt to push them from their mountain home. In their weakened state, they had no choice but to retreat to the edges of their kingdom, splitting the city into two, Tordelvar (North) and Tordelvar (South).

  • 2 ER
    The Grand Vizier's pact
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Marrake I made a pact with Asmodeus, Lord of the Hells, granting him and his descendants with arcane power.

  • 3 ER
    Shava Berevan's Capture
    Criminal Activity

    Marrake I captured and enslaved the archdruid Shava Berevan, instructing her to form a farming community within The Auchendow Province.

  • 4 ER
    The Founding of Penningham
    Construction beginning/end

    Shava Berevan founded the Hamlet of Penningham.

  • 26 ER
    The Founding of Newport
    Construction beginning/end

    After the destruction of Astbrough during The Confluence, the construction of a replacement city was ordered by the High King to bring stability to the region. It was eventually completed after over 20 years of construction and was named Newport.

  • 49 ER
    The Forming of The Harmony

    In the years which followed The Confluence, with the increasing distrust towards the genasi people, a group of them wished to find a way to live in balance with the elemental planes. They relocated themselves to The Cloudspires where they could research this safely.

  • During the 1st Century of the Era of Restoration
    The Forming of The Wild Riders

    Though the exact date is not known, during this time, groups of displaced, Concordian citizens came together in community across The Menagarie Hills. Disillusioned with the call of formal society after The Confluence, these people elected a Chief among them and began their lives as a nomadic nation in the region.

  • 114 ER
    The Inauguration of Marrake II
    Political event

    Marrake II became the Grand Vizier of The Auchendow Province. He later died in 146 ER.

  • 137 ER
    The Founding of Faerndaar

    Many years after the destruction of the previous university (Cantamen, School of Magics) during The Confluence, the archmage Korfel Yaeldrin returned to Wesdale and offered to rebuild it and give it purpose. An arrangement was made with the leaders of Wesdale that, should he do so, the site would become a school for the study of the magic. Thus, Faerndaar, Phrontistery of Arcana was formed.

  • 146 ER
    The Inauguration of Marrake III
    Political event

    Marrake III became the Grand Vizier of The Auchendow Province. He later died in 185 ER.

  • 152 ER
    The Forming of The Cloaks

    15 years after the opening of his university, Archmage Korfel brought together the most powerful mages which had come through the school to focus their arcane research and attempt to develop a master of the magic civilisation had during The Age of Ascension.

  • 185 ER
    The Inauguration of Marrake IV
    Political event

    Marrake IV became the Grand Vizier of The Auchendow Province. He later died in 219 ER.

  • 219 ER
    The Inauguration of Marrake V
    Political event

    Marrake V became the Grand Vizier of The Auchendow Province. He later died in 259 ER.

  • 259 ER
    The Inauguration of Marrake VI
    Political event

    Marrake VI became the Grand Vizier of The Auchendow Province. He later died in 290 ER.

  • 289 ER
    The Forming of The Nighthawks

    A group of skilled criminals from Easthaven joined together under the leadership of Balmund Darkhelm to form the new thieves' guild.

  • 290 ER
    The Inauguration of Marrake VII
    Political event

    Marrake VII became the Grand Vizier of The Auchendow Province. He later died in 325 ER.

  • 293 ER
    The Forming of The Steel Brotherhood

    An off-shoot of The Knights of Valor left the capital city to the city of Newport to form the mercenary guild, where the could achieve their goal of being better paid for their work whilst suffering less restraints.

  • 294 ER
    The Forming of The Shadowmasters

    5 years after for the formation of The Nighthawks, a group of its members, who were exiled after a conflict with Larcenist Balmand Darkhelm, moved north to the city of Norford, where they form The Shadowmasters, Concordia's first assassin's guild.

  • 300 ER
    The Founding of The Mothertree
    Construction beginning/end

    Thanks to the efforts of Melora's Conclave, much of The Heartland Forest had been restored. In this time, a colossal tree had grown in the center of the forest. With the blessing of The Wildmother, the people of Melora's Conclave transformed it into their home and founded the forest citadel.

  • 323 ER
    The Inauguration of Marrake VIII
    Political event

    Marrake VIII became the Grand Vizier of The Auchendow Province. He later died in 355 ER.

  • 350 ER
    The Forming of The Silver Hand

    Since the founding of The Nighthawks, the group had spread their influence across a number of cities. They moved their headquarters to The Burakrin under The Morndin Ridge, where Velkyn Shadowblade joined and eventually rose to the position of Larcenist. In this moment, he rebranded the guild as The Silver Hand.

  • 355 ER
    The Inauguration of Marrake IX
    Political event

    Marrake IX became the Grand Vizier of The Auchendow Province. He later died in 392 ER.

  • 392 ER
    The Inauguration of Marrake X
    Political event

    Marrake X became the Grand Vizier of The Auchendow Province. He later died in 429 ER.

  • 400 ER
    The Forming of The Order of the Wildfire

    Pelor, the Dawnfarther discovered a way to bestow his divine power through the magic of the elemental plane of fire. The first of his followers in Finstow was selected and founded the Order of the Wildfire, as a group for future champions of the Dawnfather to join.

  • 424 ER
    The Forming of The Scarlet Bards

    The succubus Lilcyra came to Stanrigg and, after seeing the poor treatment of the women in the city's brothels, took them over and brought the staff together to form the country's entertainment guild.

  • 426 ER
    The Forming of The Curators of Corellon

    A group of artists and artisans from the country's capital came together after a number of exhibitions of their work. They came to design a space for all creative people to celebrate their work and allow their reputations to grow. They formed the artisan's guild in that vision and begun to spread its influence across Concordia.

  • 429 ER
    The Inauguration of Marrake XI
    Political event

    Marrake XI became the Grand Vizier of The Auchendow Province. He later died in 462 ER.

  • 456 ER
    The Forming of Synthesis

    After being expelled from The Cloaks, Professor Arbaroth Colmik fled to Sudthorpe to continue his research into transmutation. He founded the research group Synthesis, employing mages and scholars who shared his passion and drive.

  • 462 ER
    The Inauguration of Marrake XII
    Political event

    Marrake XII became the Grand Vizier of The Auchendow Province. He later died in 494.

  • 491 ER
    The Forming of The Crimson Consortium

    After completing his time at Faerndaar, Phrontistery of Arcana, Sanguinist Raphael Nightwing returned to Shawcross and formed The Crimson Consortium to develop the magic of hemocraft, where he created hemocraft-infused warriors known as Blood Hunters.

  • 494 ER
    The Inauguration of Marrake XIII
    Political event

    Marrake XIII became the Grand Vizier of The Auchendow Province.

  • 499 ER
    The Destruction of Dalthorpe
    Disaster / Destruction

    In an attack from a dwarven hunting party, Punk fused with the efreeti Marrake, which resulted in a vicious wildfire scorching the area, burning down much of The Old Oak Weald and the town of Dalthorpe.

  • 1st Frondfall 500 ER
    The B-Team

    The adventuring party of Amii, Baran of the Wildfire, Brockley, Enna Goldpetal, Punk and Shaman of the Lake Tribe was formed.