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The Albion Timeline

The Prime Millenia

  • The Beginning of Time
    The Sky of Light and Darkness.
    Era beginning/end

    In the beginning of this realm, there was nothing. Then, The Creator Gods came. The Dawnfather and The Stormlord created the sky and filled it with light. The Dawnfather joined with the The Moonweaver to separate the light from the darkness, creating the sun, the moon and stars.

  • Sometime Near The Beginning of the Era
    The Land and Sea
    Geological / environmental event

    With the invention of the first day, The Wildmother and The Allhammer joined to create the earth, carving it into vast planes, deep trenches, and tall mountains. The Wildmother then filled the trenches they had dug with water, forming the seas and oceans. This water caused the first plants to grow, introducing life to the land and sea.

  • Sometime Near The Beginning of the Era
    The Birth of Sentience
    Life, Birth

    With the land, sea and sky formed, The Wildmother and The Allhammer brought forth the first creatures to roam them. These creatures were aided by The Changebringer, who helped them to adapt to the lands they settled in. In this time, The Platinum Dragon also brought creatures in this time, introducing the first of his kind to the realm, designed to be its protectors.

  • Sometime Near The Beginning of the Era
    The Introduction of Intelligence
    Life, Birth

    With the world formed and filled with numerous creatures, together, The Creator Gods brought forth intelligent races of their own creation as well as from other planes. These early people were given guidance by The Platinum Dragon, The Arch Heart, The Lawbearer, The Knowing Mistress and The Matron of Ravens and were sent into the world to make it their own, bear children and prosper, for this world was made for humanity.

  • In the Time Before The Destroyer Gods' Influence
    The Great Goblin War
    Military action

    Goblinoids sent from The Feywild began a 500-year-long assault on the elven kingdoms of the world. Peace was finally achieved after the death of the goblin king in a climatic battle.

  • Sometime After Intelligent Life became Established
    The Influence of The Destroyers
    Disaster / Destruction

    With humanity spread across the world, The Destroyer Gods now looked to influence it. The Ruiner and The Cloaked Serpent created their own creatures and races, designed to prey on the creations of the other gods. Alongside them, The Strife Emperor looked to exacerbate this, rallying battle-ready races to his name in the pursuit of war. The Scaled Tyrant, seeing The Platinum Dragon’s influence on the realm, introduced her own minions to terrorise the land. The Spider Queen also sent her followers to the world to continue her pursuit of The Arch Heart’s creations.   Both The Lord of the Hells and The Whispered One on the other hand looked to influence the existing people for their own ends, corrupting them both in body and mind in the process, while The Crawling King, displeased with the formation of the land, created the realm’s Underdark. This lay beneath the earth to be a home all though who would be shunned by the realm’s creators.   Worst of them all though was The Chained Oblivion, a being who all other gods rightfully feared. Desiring the nothingness that once inhabited the space the realm now filled, The Chained Oblivion secretly worked towards returning the world to the pitch-black void it came from.

The Age of Ascension

  • 1 AA
    The Intervention
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The chaos The Destroyer Gods had brought to the world filled The Creator Gods with the need to intervene, and so they sent to the world aspects of themselves to act as guides and protectors.

  • ~800 AA
    The Introduction to Planar Travel
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Aspect of Corellon taught the elves the magic of planar travel, allowing them first to visit their ancestral home of The Feywild, but later on other planes of existance.

  • ~800 AA
    The Satyrs
    Population Migration / Travel

    With elven mages now able to travel to and from The Feywild, a handful of them discover the local satyrs. Wishing to show share their experience, many satyrs travelled back to the material plane with them, thus bringing the race into the world proper.

  • ~850 AA
    The Changelings
    Discovery, Scientific

    Half a century after the elves first opened portals to The Feywild, it was discovered that many elves were dying at incredibly young ages for their race. When they did, their skin and hair would loose all colouration and some bodies didn't remotely resemble the person who had died. Upon discussion with The Aspect of Sehanine, she explained these people were changelings, a race native to The Feywild, and that it was no surprise they were now also on the world, now completely intermingled with society.

  • ~1,000 AA
    The Genasi
    Life, Birth

    In the years which followed the various archmages' delving into power directly from the elemental planes, people who were exposed to it began to develop symptoms related to that type of magic. These traits were learned to be passed on their children on occasion and thus the genasi race was born.

  • 2,841 - 2,941 AA
    The Aspect Wars
    Military action

    With The Destroyer Gods successfully creating Aspects of their own, a war broke out across the world which pitted the followers of the two sides against one another. The war lasted for 100 years, in which time each god's aspect was destroyed. This marked the end of The Age of Ascension.

  • 2,941 AA (The Year of The Confluence)
    The Tritons
    Population Migration / Travel

    With The Confluence in full swing in Concordia, a group of tritons native to the elemental plane of water came into the world with the view of aiding humanity in what they view was an unjust war, introducing the races to the oceans and seas across the world in the process.

    Additional timelines