
Eldin was once a prosperous and bustling town located in the eastern Albion, known for its lively markets, thriving businesses, and picturesque streets. However, In a desperate attempt to contain the spread of the disease Astracardia, the town was evacuated, and its citizens were forced to flee their homes and businesses. Many of them never returned, and the town fell into ruin and disrepair as the years went by.   Today, Eldin is a shadow of its former self. The streets are overgrown with weeds and littered with debris, and many of the buildings have collapsed or been torn apart by scavengers. The few remaining structures that still stand are little more than crumbling ruins, their roofs sagging and their walls covered in graffiti.   Despite its obvious state of disrepair, Eldin is not entirely deserted. The town has become a haven for criminals and outlaws, who have taken advantage of its abandoned buildings and lack of law enforcement to establish their own illicit operations.   The town's abandoned marketplace has become a hub of activity for smugglers and thieves, who use the deserted stalls and empty storefronts as a base of operations for their illegal activities. The town's abandoned buildings and dark alleyways provide the perfect cover for all manner of criminal enterprises, from smuggling and theft to black magic and necromancy.   Despite its tragic history and current state of disrepair, there are those who still hold out hope that Eldin can one day be restored to its former glory. Adventurers and treasure hunters are drawn to the town by rumours of lost treasures and forgotten artefacts, and there are whispers of a powerful magic hidden somewhere within the ruins that could hold the key to restoring the town to its former glory.   But for now, Eldin remains a cautionary tale of what can happen when a community is ravaged by disease and abandoned by those who once called it home.


  • Unknown

Industry & Trade

  • Criminal Activity


The Black Market - If you are looking for illegal goods, you can probably find them in the many back alleys and hideouts within Eldin.
Founding Date


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