Kaer Myraz

Kaer Myraz is a formidable fortress keep that has stood on the edge of a rocky cliff overlooking the tumultuous waters of the Cudbron Ocean for centuries. Its name means "Keep of the Elder Sea" and is a testament to its strategic importance in the defence of Albion against sea-borne threats. armouriesdefence   Kaer Myraz is not just any fortress, it is the primary training ground for Witchers, the legendary monster hunters who possess supernatural abilities and are feared and respected throughout Albion. The keep is designed to hone the skills of Witchers and train them in the art of combat against the deadliest of foes.   Inside the walls of Kaer Myraz, Witchers are trained in the use of their unique weapons and the development of their magical abilities. They undergo gruelling physical training and are taught to fight with both skill and intelligence, learning how to analyse and exploit the weaknesses of their opponents. Additionally, they are instructed in the study of monster lore, learning the habits and weaknesses of the myriad creatures that once roamed the lands. They do so in cautious preparation so that, if any of the beasts returned, they would be ready.   Despite its age, Kaer Myraz is kept in excellent condition, with its walls regularly repaired and its defences updated to meet the changing threats of the realm. It is staffed by a dedicated group of Witchers who are fiercely loyal to their commander, a legendary Witcher known only as the Kadachi.   But Kaer Myraz is not without its challenges. The fortress has been besieged numerous times over the years by raiders and enemy armies, and each time it has emerged victorious, though at cost. Additionally, the Witchers who train here are often viewed with suspicion and fear by the general population, who see them as dangerous and unpredictable.   Despite these challenges, Kaer Myraz remains a beacon of strength and security for Albion, a testament to the dedication and skill of its defenders. And for those brave enough to seek out the Witchers and their training, the fortress is a place of both challenge and opportunity, where only the strongest and most skilled will survive.


With cliff edge and sea to it's east, south and western fronts, Kaer Myraz has a large 47 foot high wall that cuts it from the remainder of Albion. This was built in an attempt to avoid attacks on Witchers by those less accepting.
Founding Date
961 BA
Alternative Name(s)
The Sea Fort, The Bear Den
Outpost / Base
Due to the ever flowing and not entirely solidified nature of residency, it is not clear how many Witcher technically reside within the walls of Kaer Myraz
Owning Organization


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