
Witchers in Albion are a select group of highly skilled and mutated individuals who dedicate their lives to hunting down and exterminating the dangerous monsters that plague the land. They are trained in the ancient fortress keep of Kaer Myraz , situated on a cliff overlooking the tumultuous Cudbron Ocean . This formidable stronghold has been their sanctuary and training ground for centuries.   The origins of the Witchers date back to a time when humanity faced constant threats from monsters and creatures of darkness. Seeking a way to protect themselves, the Order of the Witchers was formed. They developed a rigorous training program that includes intense physical conditioning, combat training, and extensive study of monster lore and alchemy.   The process of becoming a Witcher is arduous and perilous. Young candidates, usually orphans or outcasts, are subjected to a series of trials and mutations, administered by the masters of Kaer Myraz. These mutations grant them superhuman abilities, enhanced senses, and increased resistance to toxins and diseases. However, the process also renders them sterile and alters their appearance, giving them distinctive traits like pale skin and cat-like eyes.   Once their training is complete, Witchers are sent out into the world as professional monster hunters. Armed with their signature silver swords, alchemical potions, and extensive knowledge of their prey, they embark on dangerous quests to rid the land of deadly creatures. They are often hired by towns and villages in need of their services, and their reputation as skilled warriors and protectors precedes them.   In The Great Hunt, the Witchers played a crucial role in combating the large and dangerous beasts that threatened the safety of the people of Lorian. With their unique training and abilities, they became instrumental in tracking down and eliminating these monsters, earning the gratitude and respect of the population.   Despite their vital role in protecting the land, Witchers are often viewed with a mixture of fear and suspicion. Their mutated appearances and rumoured use of dark magic contribute to their enigmatic reputation. However, their dedication to their craft and their selfless commitment to defending humanity cannot be denied.   Within the fortified walls of Kaer Myraz, the Witchers maintain a tight-knit community. They adhere to a code of ethics that emphasizes neutrality, focusing solely on the extermination of monsters rather than getting involved in political or personal conflicts. They share their knowledge and experiences, honing their skills and passing down their teachings to future generations.   The presence of the Witchers in Albion, particularly in Kaer Myraz, serves as a reminder of the ongoing battle against the forces of darkness and the need for eternal vigilance. Their sacrifices and unwavering commitment to their duty make them a formidable and respected force in the realm, embodying the essence of resilience, skill, and determination in the face of monstrous adversaries.
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary


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