King Brianna Sol.

King Brianna Kaleesh Sol (a.k.a. The Conqueror)

King Brianna Sol, the fourth Lothric King and successor to the throne after the voluntary abdication of King Paleo the Wise, possessed an uncontainable ambition that shaped her reign. While King Paleo had set the path for the expansion of Lorian, King Brianna believed that the previous monarch's vision was limited. She aspired for Lorian's influence to extend beyond its borders, reaching into the sandy deserts of the neighboring wildlands. However, King Brianna's plans encountered a significant obstacle in the form of the sand tribes that inhabited the wildlands. Despite offering assimilation into the expanding kingdom, the chiefdom of the sand tribes adamantly refused. This refusal sparked a series of events that would earn King Brianna the epithet "the Conqueror."   Thus began the War of Sands, which defied expectations. Contrary to assumptions of a swift and decisive victory for the Crown due to its numerical superiority and battle prowess, the sand tribes held a unique advantage. Their intimate knowledge of the unforgiving desert terrain gave them an edge, while the people of Lorian were unaccustomed to such a wild and untamed geography. The war stretched on for nearly a year, with both sides locked in a struggle for dominance.   Ultimately, Lorian emerged triumphant, and the sand tribes were subdued. King Brianna Sol declared the conquered wildlands as Sitara, and to mark Lorian's presence, she initiated the construction of Libertas, the first city to rise amidst the vast dunes. This city became a symbol of Lorian's expansionist ambitions and its ability to overcome daunting challenges.   Under King Brianna's reign, Sitara thrived as a testament to the Crown's tenacity and ambition. King Brianna's legacy as the Conqueror, while born out of conflict, was also defined by her determination to extend Lorian's reach and establish a prominent presence in the untamed wildlands.   King Brianna Sol's reign solidified Lorian's status as an expanding kingdom. The successful conquest of the wildlands, as symbolized by the city of Libertas, showcased the perseverance and strength of the Crown. The War of Sands and the subsequent establishment of Sitara stand as testaments to King Brianna's ambitious vision for Lorian's future.
Date of Death
26th Last Seed 678BA
Circumstances of Death
Poisoned by King Jarnir the Clever
Brown Bun
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Orcish Green
6' 8"
Aligned Organization


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