The Lothric Kings

The Age of Kings in Albion was a period of great political and social upheaval, marked by the rise and fall of the Lothric Kings. The first folk, led by Ysgramor, sailed from the Old World and established their own monarchy with King Regis Blackthorn as the first Lothric King. This marked the beginning of a new era in Albion, as the Lothric Kings set out to extend their reach and consolidate their power. The Crown of Lothric, a powerful diadem that granted its wearer immense power and authority, was not bound by bloodline. Instead, anyone who was brave and cunning enough could challenge, usurp or dethrone the sitting King and claim the Jagged Throne for themselves. This led to a period of great instability and conflict, as individuals vied for power and influence.   Many of the Lothric Kings were seen as cruel and tyrannical, ruling over their subjects with an iron fist and imposing harsh laws and taxes on the populace. They were often involved in wars and conflicts with neighbouring kingdoms, seeking to expand their territories and exert their dominance over the region.   One of the most notorious Lothric Kings was King Valravn the Warrior, who ruled with an iron fist and was known for his violent temper and erratic behaviour. He was responsible for the brutal suppression of several rebellions and uprisings, and was eventually overthrown by a group of rebels led by General Xanaryze who stopped King Valravn and won the War of Caelum   Despite the dark legacy of the Lothric Kings, there were some who were viewed more favourably by the people. King Paleo the Wise, for example, was known for his peaceful and fair rule, and was widely respected by his subjects. He worked tirelessly to improve the lives of the people, and was the only Lothric King to voluntarily abdicate the throne.   The reign of the Lothric Kings came to an end with the rise of the Magisterium, a governing body that replaced the monarchy as the ruling authority in Albion. The Magisterium was formed in the wake of the War of Caleum, a devastating conflict that left much of the kingdom in ruins and exposed the weaknesses of the monarchy.   Today, the legacy of the Lothric Kings lives on in the stories and legends that are still told throughout Albion. While their rule may have been marked by cruelty and violence, they also left a lasting mark on the history and culture of the region, and their legacy continues to shape the present day.


The fall of the Lothric Kings was brought about when General Xanaryze led a team of resistance fighters against the Crown in the year 1BA during the 50th year of the War of Caelum. They moved through Primara, now Old Lorian, and thwarted the Crownsguard General occupying the territory. From there Major Cervus and Captain Danthrier helped the squad infiltrate Hargreave and take out General Charteris. Accompanied by Lieutenant Ahkvir and Cadet Haggerty, the resistance fighters stormed the Palace and put an end to the final of the Kings Generals. And with that decisive blow to the Crown, it was Major Arthur who executed King Valravn and put an end to the Age of Lothric Kings

20 Sun's Dawn 935BA - 1 Evening Star 1AR

Court, Royal
Successor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Controlled Territories


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