King Carpea De Masca

King Carpea Oceana De Masca

King Carpea De Masca, commonly known as "The Rogue," was the daughter of the late King Cortinia De Masca and succeeded her mother upon her untimely demise. Unlike her mother, who was renowned for her prophetic dreams and the title of the Oracle, King Carpea earned her moniker through her daring and unconventional approach to ruling. Ascending the Jagged Throne in the wake of her mother's passing, King Carpea defied the expectations set upon her. She eschewed the traditional notions of a monarch and embraced a more adventurous and unorthodox lifestyle. King Carpea was known for her penchant for exploration, indulging in thrilling escapades, and seeking out unconventional experiences throughout the kingdom and on the seas.   King Carpea possessed a charismatic nature that allowed her to forge connections with people from all walks of life. She had a natural affinity for understanding the desires and struggles of her subjects, often mingling with them incognito to gain first-hand insights into their lives. This approach enabled her to rule with a degree of empathy and compassion rarely seen in the realm.   Under her rule, Lorian experienced a period of unprecedented growth and prosperity. King Carpea fostered an environment of innovation and encouraged the pursuit of knowledge and advancement. She was known for her open-mindedness and willingness to listen to new ideas, which resulted in the development of new technologies, cultural exchanges, and artistic expressions.   While King Carpea may have been seen as unorthodox and unpredictable, her reign brought about a sense of vibrancy and liberation to the kingdom. Her free-spirited nature and nonconformist approach inspired the people of Lorian to embrace their own individuality and explore new possibilities both on land and sea.   However, not all regarded King Carpea's reign favourably. Some traditionalists and conservative factions within the realm disapproved of her unconventional methods and saw her as a threat to the established order. Nevertheless, The Rogue remained steadfast in her convictions and continued to champion personal freedom, self-expression, and the pursuit of one's own path.   King Carpea De Masca's reign embodied the spirit of adventure, innovation, and the empowerment of individuality. While her approach may have been unconventional, it was through her reign that Lorian witnessed an era of unprecedented exploration, progress, and the celebration of individual freedom.
Date of Death
18th Evening Star 437BA
Circumstances of Death
Defeated in battle on the Cudbron Ocean and sunk to the depths below
Aligned Organization


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