King Cortinia De Masca

King Cortinia Haix De Masca (a.k.a. The Oracle)

King Cortinia De Masca, known as the Oracle, held the throne as the seventh Lothric King of Lorian. She acquired her moniker due to her reputation for having prophetic dreams that foretold the future. Among her visions, she spoke of a grand prophecy, proclaiming the imminent invasion of a great evil upon the lands of Lorian. According to her prophetic abilities, she alone would rise to thwart this impending menace. However, as time passed, no such evil emerged, and the promises of her visions remained unfulfilled. Additionally, smaller predictions and glimpses of the future proved to be false, leaving the people to doubt the credibility of her claims. The disappointment and growing skepticism of her subjects ultimately led to a turning of sentiment against her.   The weight of the people's expectations and the fear of being exposed as a fraud took a severe toll on King Cortinia's well-being. The stress and anxiety associated with the fading faith of her people eventually resulted in a fatal heart attack, tragically bringing an end to her life.   King Cortinia's untimely demise left the Jagged Throne vacant, opening the way for another individual to lay claim to the throne of Lorian. Her reign, while marked by the initial fascination surrounding her prophetic dreams, was overshadowed by the erosion of trust and the failure of her visions to come to fruition.   Although her rule was marred by controversy and the disappointment of unfulfilled prophecies, King Cortinia De Masca, the Oracle, remains a significant figure in Lorian's history. Her tragic fate serves as a cautionary tale about the fragile nature of trust and the burden of carrying the weight of others' expectations.
Date of Death
1st Suns Height 490BA
Circumstances of Death
Suffered a Heart Attack
Place of Death
Castle Blackthorn
Aligned Organization


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