King Jarnir Hagan

King Jarnir Ivan Hagan (a.k.a. The Clever)

King Jarnir Hagan, the fifth Lothric King to reign over Lorian, possessed a shrewd and cunning nature that allowed him to maintain his hold on power. Concerned about the growing ambition of his predecessor, King Brianna, Jarnir resorted to dark measures to secure the throne for himself. One fateful evening, he administered a lethal poison to the carafe of wine delivered to King Brianna, ensuring his ascent to the Jagged Throne and commencing his 74-year reign. During his rule, King Jarnir faced multiple attempts by members of the King's court to usurp his position. On two known occasions, a Crownsguard General and the Hand of the King plotted to seize power for themselves. However, King Jarnir devised a chilling and effective method to weed out these traitors. He would personally meet with individuals whom he deemed ambitious and ruthless enough to seek the throne. During these private meetings, he would discuss a decree, intentionally altering one detail each time he recounted it. He would then swear these individuals to secrecy in the name of the realm's stability. When news of the decree inevitably leaked and reached the court, King Jarnir could pinpoint the exact version that had been divulged and have the responsible court member executed.   After the first instance of this treachery culling, King Jarnir took drastic action to safeguard his strategy. He publicly executed his entire court, thereby ensuring the secrecy of his method and preserving his ability to employ it in the future.   These ruthless tactics and the absolute control exerted by King Jarnir earned him his moniker. He ruled with an iron fist, instilling fear and loyalty in those who surrounded him. The depths of his cunning and the lengths to which he went to maintain his grip on power left a lasting impression on the history of Lorian.   King Jarnir Hagan's reign was marked by secrecy, intrigue, and the ruthless elimination of potential threats. His legacy stands as a cautionary tale of the dangers of power and the extremes to which one may go to protect it. The Clever's reign, marked by darkness, left a scar on Lorian's history.
Date of Death
9 Hearthfire 560BA
Circumstances of Death
Died attempting to escape from prison
Brown slicked back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
4' 3"
Aligned Organization


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