King Somnus Mortellian

King Somnus Raja Mortellian (a.k.a. The Mystic)

After using the very action he helped usher in to usurp the king he swore to serve, Somnus Mortellian took to the throne and began his reign as the second of the Lothric Kings. The people of Lorian initially took a great problem to the rise of The Mystic as they all held a great respect and love for Regis. There were members of Regis' court who attempted to undo Somnus' rise and give him a taste of his own medicine. Those same members were put to an end rather swiftly and so the rest of the populous fell in line, marking the beginning of a 40 year reign that would not be looked on favourably.   One of King Somnus Mortellian's notable achievements was the creation of the Crownsguard, a prestigious royal army tasked with safeguarding the Crown and the welfare of the citizens of Lorian. Clad in deep purple cloaks, the Crownsguard served as protectors, defending the capital city of Hargreave and ensuring the safety of its inhabitants. However, their role extended beyond mere defence, as they also served as a police force, enforcing the laws and regulations set forth by the King. Their presence instilled a sense of security and order throughout the realm.   During King Somnus Mortellian's reign, a prominent religious movement emerged—the Sect of the Root. This religious sect devoted itself to the worship of the Godswood, an ancient and sacred tree. To be closer to this divine entity, the Sect built the settlement of Sirkelen within the mystical forest of Myrkvidr. They believed that the Godswood harboured a messenger of the gods, trapped in the earthly realm of Midgard and confined within the bark of the tree. The faithful followers of the Sect believed that through unwavering faith and fervent prayer, they could restore the messenger's rightful power and facilitate its release from the confines of its oaken prison.   King Somnus Mortellian's support of the Sect of the Root not only demonstrated his religious tolerance but also reflected his understanding of the importance of spirituality in the lives of his subjects. This establishment of the religion dedicated to the worship of the Godswood provided solace and purpose to those who sought a connection with the divine. It also contributed to the growth and development of Sirkelen as a center of spiritual devotion and a testament to the King's commitment to the well-being of his people.   King Somnus Mortellian's reign, though hostile at first was marked by a delicate balance between military strength, with the Crownsguard, and the cultivation of religious devotion through the support of the Sect of the Root. His legacy endured as a ruler who sought to protect his kingdom and promote a deep connection with the divine but one that would do anything in his power to cling to the throne and keep him in control
Date of Death
19th Frostfall 799BA
Circumstances of Death
Died of a Heart Attack
Brown Curls
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


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