The First Folk

The First Folk were the ancient ancestors of the people of Albion. They were a people who lived in the Old World before embarking on a great journey across the Cudbron Ocean to a new land they would call Lorian. Little is known about their origins or their way of life before their migration, as they left no written records or artefacts. However, oral traditions and folklore have been passed down through the generations, providing some insight into their culture and beliefs.   The First Folk were skilled hunters and gatherers, living off the land and the bountiful resources of the forests and rivers of the Old World. They were deeply connected to nature and held a strong reverence for the spirits and deities they believed dwelled in the natural world. They practiced animism, a belief system that attributed spiritual significance to animals, plants, and natural phenomena.   The journey from the Old World to Lorian was a treacherous one, with the First Folk facing many challenges along the way. They encountered storms, sea monsters, and hostile tribes, and many lost their lives before reaching their destination. However, they persevered and eventually arrived on the shores of Lorian, where they found a land rich in resources and teeming with wildlife.   The First Folk quickly established themselves in Lorian, building settlements and establishing a new way of life in their new home that ultimately saw the dawn of the Lothric Kings. They continued to live off the land, hunting, fishing, and gathering, and began to develop agriculture as well. They also established a spiritual tradition that incorporated the gods and goddesses of the Old World with the deities they encountered in Lorian.   Over time, the First Folk would grow and evolve, developing new technologies and innovations, as well as new social and political structures. They would form alliances, forge rivalries, and engage in wars and conflicts, all while continuing to honor their ancestral traditions and beliefs. Today, the First Folk are remembered as the pioneering ancestors of the people of Albion, a testament to the indomitable human spirit and the drive to explore and conquer new frontiers.
Expedition, Colonization


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