The Great Migration

Discovery, Exploration


The First Folk set sail from the Old World in search of new lands to claim

The great migration that saw the First Folk, led by Ysgramor, leave the Old World was an epic journey that began with a sense of purpose and a mission to fulfil. They had been tasked with the responsibility by the King of the Old World to sail across the Cudbron Ocean and discover new lands to extend the reach of the existing monarchy.   The First Folk, a hardy and determined people, set out on their journey with a fleet of longships and a sense of excitement and trepidation. They faced fierce storms and unpredictable seas as they made their way across the vast ocean, but they remained steadfast and resolute in their mission.   After many weeks at sea, the expedition finally spotted land on the horizon. As they drew closer, they could see that it was a vast and beautiful continent, covered in dense forests, towering mountains, and rolling hills. The First Folk were in awe of the new land, and they knew that they had discovered something truly special.   Ysgramor and his crew were the first to disembark onto the new land, which they dubbed Lorian. They were greeted by a new world of untold wonders and mysteries, and they knew that they had discovered something truly special.   As the First Folk began to explore the new continent, they encountered many challenges and obstacles. They faced fierce beasts, treacherous terrain, and hostile tribes of native people who were fiercely protective of their land. But the First Folk were determined to establish their presence on the new continent, and they pushed forward with grit and determination.   As the years passed, the First Folk continued to establish their settlements and spread their influence across the land. They founded great cities and built towering castles, and they thrived in the new world they had discovered. They traded with the native tribes and learned from their customs, and they began to build a new society that was uniquely their own.   But the journey of the First Folk was not without its challenges. They faced numerous setbacks and hardships, and they struggled to adapt to the harsh new environment. They encountered strange and mysterious forces that they could not explain, and they faced great danger from unknown creatures that lurked in the shadows.   Despite these challenges, the First Folk persevered, and they built a new civilization that would endure for centuries to come. They established a new kingdom, and they ruled over the land with wisdom and justice, guided by the teachings of the gods that had brought them to the new continent.   The great expedition that saw the First Folk leave the Old World and discover the continent of Zion on which they disembarked and dubbed the land Lorian was a momentous event in the history of Albion. It marked the beginning of a new era, one that would be defined by adventure, exploration, and discovery. And it would pave the way for the great achievements that would follow in the centuries to come.

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