The Divide



The Citizens of Lorian, unhappy with the status quo, begin to form an uprising against the Crown. Those found affiliated with the revolution were sentenced to death for their treason

The Divide was a time of unrest and upheaval during the reign of King Valravn, the last Lothric King. It marked a period in history when the people of Albion began to question the absolute power of the Crown and demand change. The seeds of discontent were sown long before the actual revolt. The people were tired of living in a society where the Crown held all the power and they had no say in the running of the country. The nobility were seen as corrupt and oppressive, using their power to exploit the common folk for their own gain. The revolutionaries operated in secret, holding clandestine meetings and organizing protests in the streets. They were careful not to be caught by the Crownsguard, as the punishment for sedition was death. Despite the risks, the movement gained momentum as more people became disillusioned with the status quo.   The Crown responded with force, deploying its armies to quell the unrest. The situation escalated into a full-blown conflict, known as the War of Caelum, which lasted for several years. The Divide was a turning point in the history of Albion. It marked the beginning of a long struggle for freedom and democracy, which would eventually lead to the establishment of the Magisterium. It also showed that the people had the power to stand up to the Crown and demand change. The legacy of the Divide lives on, as a reminder of the dangers of oppression and the need for freedom and justice.

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