
The Age of Kings

937 BA

  • -937 BA

    31 Sunfire

    The Great Migration
    Discovery, Exploration

    The First Folk set sail from the Old World in search of new lands to claim

  • -935 BA

    3 Sunfire

    The Foundation of Lorian

    The Kingdom of Lorian is established

  • -935 BA

    20 Frostglade

    The Birth of the Lothric Kings
    Diplomatic action

    A Monarchy is established and the first Lothric King begins to emerge

  • -935 BA

    4 Starweave
    -870 BA

    30 Faecrest

    The Reign of the Father
    Political event

    King Regis, The Father, took to the throne as the first of the Lothric Kings

  • -933 BA

    4 Mistfall

    The Foundation of Hargreave

    The settlement of Hargreave is established along the base of the scarlet mountains.

  • -908 BA

    3 Moonshade

    Castle Blackthorn
    Construction beginning/end

    A great palace is built for the Lothric King Regis Blackthorn

  • -892 BA

    17 Mistfall

    The Great Hunt
    Life, Death

    The Great Hunt began as Witchers and Monster Hunters alike joined forces and set out to rid Lorian and Sitara of the monstrous beasts that stalk the lands of Zion

  • -870 BA

    29 Faecrest

    The Line of Succession
    Civil action

    An action is passed to determine the succession of the Crown. Through Combat or Civil Action, one may challenge the sitting member of the crown.

  • -870 BA

    30 Faecrest
    -830 BA

    16 Dawnwind

    The Reign of the Mystic
    Political event

    King Somnus, The Mystic, took the throne and began his reign

  • -869 BA

    9 Thornbloom

    Sir, Yes Sir!
    Military action

    A royal army known as the Crownsguard is formed.

  • -862 BA

    21 Starweave

    The Tournament
    Sporting Event / Competition

    King Somnus, having grown bored of his duties, introduces the Tourney. An event of spectacle, sport and entertainment.

  • -846 BA

    3 Moonshade

    The Godswood
    Religious event

    The Godswood is discovered in Myrkvidr and a sect of religious fanatics begin worshipping the tree.

  • -844 BA

    14 Heartmyre

    The Foundation of Sirkelen

    The religious settlement of Sirkelen is born within the forest of Myrkvidr so clergyman of the wood may be closer to their divine tree.

  • -830 BA

    16 Dawnwind
    -733 BA

    5 Heartmyre

    The Reign of the Wise
    Political event

    King Paleo, The Wise, took the throne and began their reign

  • -824 BA

    11 Moonshade

    Bigger is Better!
    Construction beginning/end

    King Paleo, The Wise, takes action to facilitate the growth of Lorian and it's people, building new settlements across the land.

  • -816 BA

    26 Sunfire

    The Foundation of Primara

    The settlement of Primara (Now Old Lorian) is established

  • -803 BA

    2 Embersong

    The Foundation of Talvor

    The makeshift port on the southern border of Zion is expanded into the settlement of Talvor

  • -796 BA

    19 Heartmyre

    The Foundation of Ashfeld

    The Settlement of Ashfeld is established

  • -781 BA

    21 Stormveil

    The Foundation of Fayrewel

    The settlement of Fayrewel is established

  • -779 BA

    30 Sunfire

    Road to Success!
    Construction beginning/end

    Roads are built between the newly growing settlements of Lorian

  • -755 BA

    9 Starweave
    -755 BA

    28 Starweave

    The Creeping Fog
    Geological / environmental event

    A strange and Mysterious fog rolls in from the Cudbron Ocean and spreads across Lorian, lingering for weeks until dissipating overnight

  • -733 BA

    5 Heartmyre
    -678 BA

    26 Stormveil

    The Reign of the Conqueror
    Political event

    King Brianna, The Conqueror, took the throne and began her reign

  • -732 BA

    16 Springtide
    -731 BA

    4 Sunfire

    The War of Sands
    Military: War

    King Brianna, The Conqueror, wages war on the tribes of the Golden Sands

  • -730 BA

    5 Sunfire

    The Foundation of Sitara

    The neighbouring Kingdom of Sitara is established to run alongside Lorian under the reign of the Lothric Kings

  • -727 BA

    29 Frostglade

    The Foundation of Libertas

    Libertas is constructed as the first city in the newly claimed region of Sitara

  • -678 BA

    26 Stormveil
    -604 BA

    3 Starweave

    The Reign of the Clever
    Political event

    King Jarnir, The Clever, took the throne and began his reign

  • -661 BA

    13 Frostglade

    The Great Cyclone
    Disaster / Destruction

    The first Natural Disaster to plague Zion and it's lands, a Hurricane sweeps through Lorian, killing approximately 632 people.

  • -637 BA

    30 Moonshade

    The Clean Slate Executions
    Life, Death

    The Kings court is publicly executed for a slew of fabricated charges to usher in a new composition.

  • -612 BA

    19 Thornbloom

    The Walking Bread
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The members of a baking competition on Primara are overrun by a herd of zombies

  • -604 BA

    3 Starweave
    -569 BA

    31 Sunfire

    The Reign of the Wanderer
    Political event

    King Senua, The Wanderer, took the throne and began her reign

  • -604 BA

    4 Starweave

    The Sentencing of the Clever
    Diplomatic action

    Senua Fellglade and the Crownsguard march on Castle Blackthorn and imprison King Jarnir the Clever

  • -569 BA

    31 Sunfire
    -569 BA

    11 Starweave

    Oh Senua, Where art thou?

    King Senua has disappeared and Lorian is without a ruler

  • -569 BA

    11 Starweave
    -490 BA

    1 Moonshade

    The Reign of the Oracle
    Political event

    King Cortinia, The Oracle, took the throne and began her reign

  • -546 BA

    16 Dawnwind

    The Storm Mage's Revenge
    Military action

    A surviving Sitaran tribesman attacks Hargreave, killing 106 people

  • -517 BA

    20 Springtide

    Evil is Coming?
    Cultural event

    King Cortinia tells of a Prophecy of a great evil invading Lorian's lands and that she alone would thwart it.

  • -490 BA

    1 Moonshade
    -437 BA

    18 Thornbloom

    The Reign of the Rogue
    Political event

    King Carpea, The Rogue, took the throne and began their reign

  • -484 BA

    7 Springtide
    -484 BA

    13 Springtide

    The Maerbehlmok
    Disaster / Destruction

    A great flood consumes Albion and destruction is wrought across it's lands. The damage is immeasurable and the death toll is still unknown to this day. Presently, 483BA is known as the Year of the Deluge

  • -458 BA

    11 Faecrest

    The Blazing Skies
    Celestial / Cosmic

    A shower of Comets streak across the skies leaving red trails in the heavens above

  • -444 BA

    11 Springtide
    -444 BA

    23 Dawnwind

    The Affliction of Wailing Shadows
    Plague / Epidemic

    A Plague swept through Lorian. Afflicted individuals suffered agonizing pain, their bodies consumed by black veins. They emitted eerie wails that echoed through the night, striking fear into the hearts of the healthy. The plague spread rapidly, threatening to decimate the population. The kingdom's clerics and healers worked tirelessly to find a cure, while adventurers sought out ancient relics and knowledge to combat the dark magic that fuelled the plague.

  • -437 BA

    18 Thornbloom
    -366 BA

    23 Dawnwind

    The Reign of the Giant
    Political event

    King Yorm, The Giant, took the throne and began his reign

  • -424 BA

    16 Moonshade
    -424 BA

    3 Heartmyre

    The Storm Blight
    Geological / environmental event

    A strange and previously unseen kind of storm stretched the expanse of Zion. For months, storms would rain down like diluted acid that burned and tarnished the crop yield of the denizens of Zion's civilizations.

  • -400 BA

    30 Stormveil

    Lyngvi Stirs
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Isle of Lyngvi south of Lorian's coast stirs to life. Roars and shrieks sounded from the landmass unlike anything the Lorinians had heard before.

  • -375 BA

    17 Stormveil

    The Splitting of Karsyr

    An Earthquake of unforeseen magnitude shakes the region. In the eastern plains, the earth itself opens and the town of Karsyr is consumed, falling deep into the bowels of the ravine now called the Midgard Tear

  • -366 BA

    12 Springtide
    -366 BA

    23 Dawnwind

    The Trial of the Giant
    Civil action

    Appolnar Tawnish takes action against King Yhorm and holds one of the earliest and largest public trials in recorded history

  • -366 BA

    23 Dawnwind
    -295 BA

    9 Embersong

    The Reign of the Just
    Political event

    King Appolnar, The Just, took the throne and began her reign

  • -348 BA

    24 Starweave

    The Eruption of Zafiri's Throat
    Disaster / Destruction

    Zafiri's Throat, the volcanic mound nestled in the Scarlett Mountains, becomes active and erupts

  • -339 BA

    30 Springtide

    The Eclipse of Three
    Celestial / Cosmic

    In a rare celestial event, the dual moons of Aetheria, Umbra and Astralyn, align to invoke a complete and total Solar Eclipse

  • -324 BA

    14 Embersong
    -324 BA

    1 Thornbloom

    The Tribunal of the Faceless
    Civil action

    A clandestine network of criminals, the Cult of the Faceless, is taken to justice for a series of heinous acts and crimes dating back years

  • -295 BA

    9 Embersong
    -198 BA

    30 Stormveil

    The Reign of the Fierce
    Political event

    King Tontrus, The Fierce, took the throne and began his reign

  • -271 BA

    2 Faecrest
    -269 BA

    13 Thornbloom

    The Long winter
    Disaster / Destruction

    The longest winter on record in Lorian. Lasting just over two years, this winter overtook the regular seasonal rotation in Zion, affecting all of the civilizations that call the continent home. Harsh temperatures, unyielding blizzards, low harvests all contributed to the misery of the people. Dubbed, the Frost Years, this winter was responsible for countless losses in resource and life

  • -242 BA

    2 Heartmyre

    The Severence
    Celestial / Cosmic

    An unknown and silent evil has severed the connection between the Gods and Midgard

  • -198 BA

    30 Stormveil
    -67 BA

    19 Frostglade

    The Reign of the True
    Political event

    King Noctis, The True, took the throne and began his reign

  • -195 BA

    20 Starweave

    The Festival of Unity
    Gathering / Conference

    The people of Lorian throw a Festival for their King, Noctis the True.

  • -67 BA

    19 Frostglade
    -1 BA

    28 Springtide

    The Reign of the Warrior
    Political event

    King Valravn, The Warrior, took the throne and began his reign

  • -53 BA

    11 Moonshade
    -1 BA

    1 Thornbloom

    The Divide

    The Citizens of Lorian, unhappy with the status quo, begin to form an uprising against the Crown. Those found affiliated with the revolution were sentenced to death for their treason

  • -1 BA

    1 Thornbloom
    0 BA

    1 Thornbloom

    The Fall of the Monarchy
    Life, Death

    With the Death of King Valravn, the War of Caelum is over and so to is the Age of Kings


The Magisterium Governance

1 AR to Present

  • 1 AR

    1 Thornbloom

    The Abolition of the Crown
    Civil action

    The Crown is destroyed and the Monarchy of Lothric Kings is no more

    Old Lorian
  • 1 AR

    31 Thornbloom
    41 AR

    5 Mistfall

    The Creation of Lux-Curre

    On the battlefield of the War of Caelum, the township of Lux-Curre begins its life

  • 2 AR

    20 Starweave

    The Magisterium is born

    The Magisterium takes Governance over Lorian and attempts to redeem the actions of the Lothric Kings

  • 2 AR

    30 Mistfall

    Sitara's Stand

    Sitara, not willing to stand for the Magisterium's ways declares its position and breaks away for Lorian, establishing an Ecclesiarch

  • 2 AR

    26 Faecrest

    A Land Remade
    Era beginning/end

    The Magisterium, in an attempt to distance itself from the ways of Kings, declares the land anew and governs over the new province now known as Albion

  • 3 AR

    27 Springtide

    Banking on It
    Financial Event

    The Bank of Albion is formed and citizens are able to utilise it's services to store the funding to their future.

  • 27 AR

    22 Moonshade

    Education for All!
    Diplomatic action

    The Magisterium commits to the establishment of the Gallberdean Academy for Mystic Arts and Bellendar College for Martial Combat