The Severence

Celestial / Cosmic


An unknown and silent evil has severed the connection between the Gods and Midgard

The Severance was an event that shook the very foundations of the world of Albion. It was a time of great upheaval and uncertainty, as the connection between the gods and the mortals was severed, and the once powerful pantheon of Norse gods was no longer able to hear the prayers of their followers. The exact cause of the Severance remains shrouded in mystery, with many theories and legends surrounding the event. Some say that it was the result of a great battle between the gods themselves, with the forces of chaos and destruction rising up against the forces of order and creation. Others believe that it was a curse brought upon the world by a powerful sorcerer or dark entity, seeking to sever the ties between the mortals and their gods and gain ultimate power.   Whatever the cause, the consequences of the Severance were far-reaching and profound. With the gods no longer able to hear their prayers, the people of Albion were left feeling abandoned and alone, struggling to find meaning and purpose in a world that no longer seemed to have any divine guidance or protection.   The effects of the Severance were felt across the land, from the smallest hamlet to the grandest city. In the forest of Myrkvidr, the great Yggdrasil-like tree known as the Godswood stood silent and still, no longer the conduit for the prayers of the people. In the town of Eldin, a magical disease known as Lightning Heart began to ravage the population, with no divine intervention to stop its spread.   Even the great city of Old Lorian, home to the Magisterium and the seat of power in Albion, was not immune to the effects of the Severance. The once-great council of mages and scholars struggled to make sense of the sudden silence from the gods, and many turned to dark magic and forbidden arts in an attempt to restore the connection between the mortals and their divine patrons.   As the years passed, the Severance became a distant memory for many, a story told by the elders to the young as a cautionary tale. Yet for some, the effects of the Severance remained a daily struggle, a reminder of the fragility of the connection between the mortal and divine worlds.   Some sought solace in the teachings of new gods and religions, hoping to find meaning and purpose in a world without the Norse pantheon. Others turned to dark arts and forbidden magic, hoping to unlock the secrets of the Severance and restore the connection between the two worlds.   In the end, the true cause of the Severance remains a mystery, lost to the annals of time and the whispers of legends. Yet its effects continue to be felt, a reminder of the tenuous nature of the connection between the divine and the mortal, and the power of faith and belief in a world that is often harsh and unforgiving.

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