Kit (K-It)

Originally created and played by PandaAnime1

Foxys Watering Hole Manager Kit Limlock- of Renegash

Kit grew up lived her first 8 years in her home village living with her mom and dadolder sister and a younger sister being trained in the art of the bow and learning how to track. At the age of 8 ½ the village was under attack by slavers she hurried to her house to see her mother injured being crushed by a beam in the house her mother asked her to take her sister and run. While running away with her sister she heard something chasing them. Kit thinking fast told her sister to keep running and wont turn back. Kit got captured not knowing if her dad was alive or if her sister survived and escaped but now she needs to plan to escape and to do that she needs to survive by any means necessary. At the age of 14 she was taken by her master on a trip she was planning to attempt to escape at night when her master was asleep but it seems he had “other” plans luckily for kit she was rescued by some rebels being surprised to see among them her father.
When they got back to the rebels camp kit was taken to the armory grabbing a couple swords there last serpent scale armor that happened to be in her size and then was sent to get a bow from who was making them since her father wouldn't say. Upon reaching the bow smith she met her mother with burn scars covering 1/4th of her body (mainly on her back and shoulders) her father after kit and her mother's emotional reunion asked if her mother can make her a bow and that she did the best bow she had ever made (the +2bow).
After her 16th birthday she asked her father for permission to go in search for her younger sister as she has not lost hope her father agreed and gave her his old bracers his father gave him and has now passed down to kit along with 15 gold. She was now heading too the higard kingdom to see if she might have some luck at gaining some gold but more importantly some info on her sister     Along the way to the higard kingdom kit finds a fox being surrounded by some wolves taking a chance to save the fox, kit throws a rock behind the wolves making a distraction for kit to cast pass without trace and got the fox out of there and to safety. The fox decides to follow kit and decides to make the fox her companion.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A picture of her Topless

Special abilities

After Marrying Vhara Limlock and dealing with the treath Ashin represented this demi-human was granted by the goddess Maligash a longer life span in order to spent more time with her wife and thier childrens, altough not rendering her immortal compared to other demi-human that extended life span did make many wonder if she would live forever.



Foxys Watering Hole Manager

Family Ties

Bloodline of Kit



Wife (Important)

Towards Vhara Limlock



Vhara Limlock

Wife (Important)

Towards Kit



Previously Held Ranks & Titles
584 705 121 years old
Place of Death
Vhara Limlock (Wife)
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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