4.29.20 Report

General Summary

After a blistering skirmish with orcs in their lair, the party, roaring flames at their back pushed forward through orc missile fire. Atfer mercilessly striking down the orcs, the party set Vulen Uriwynn, Rania Genxina, and Ifera Ruzoga to guard their backs as they pressed on.

A storage room was invaded and pilfered. Rations resupplied and liquor achieved, they set their sights on following a lone orc who escaped the earlier fray.

A locked door was eliminated and a, relatively, opulent chamber was discovered, including a secret niche. Most valuables appearing to have already been ransacked, Breck Gnocke tracked an orc host to a plain wall. After some investigation, a secret door was found. The new room seemed to be some sort of planning room, still absent orcs. More tracking, secrets revealed, and another door was found. Where it leads to is yet to be discovered...

Rewards Granted

XP. Need to catch up on XP for absent party memebrs.

Missions/Quests Completed

No further knowledge has been gained regarding the cultists operating in the area.

Character(s) interacted with

4 orcs slain.
Defenders of Tyrgon Keep
Solenya Aurelion
Level 5/6 Hurin Eldain (Grey Elf) Lawful Evil Thief
Breck Gnocke
Markus Decimus
Report Date
30 Apr 2020
Primary Location


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