

Caine is a Samurai that no longer sees any reason to live in this world and seeks his end in glorious battle to give propose to his life.

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Lawful Neutral
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

August 27th 2023 Game Session - Cain's Journal

We decide to take a rest in the room after eating dinner. In what we assume is the morning we move on determined to deal with the living plants, as we pass the dinning room Flexi pokes his head inside and confirms that there is indeed still a beholder inside. deciding to deal with that another time we move onto the garden room.   We arrive outside the nursery and see that in the few days since we last visited the growth has spread even further down the hallway from the room. We begin to move around the outside of the room slashing and striking out at the plant matter seeking to provoke the entities into a fight. While Caine and Felix are provoking the room, Solenya see's that two of the mushrooms behind us are growing into some large quadrupedal creature. As we fight the creature Felix and I begin to feel the effects of some sort of drug probably coming from the monster we're fighting.   As the creature falls to our attacks Felix succumbs to the poisons coming form the creatures body. As I went to hold him him up he psionically shouted for food, without thinking I punched him in the face. after that he sat on the ground holding his face asking "why would you hit me monster?".   From Felix after he feels better:"I was suddenly extremely hungry, then saw some sort of eldritch monster staring at me from the water and I realized I was on a desert island. The creature lashed out and struck me in the face after a tried to psionically commune with it. Then I spent a long time talking to it."   Found this Session: No items.

April 16th 2023 Game Session - Cain's Journal

Having just managed to grasp the hilt of the sword Caine slams it against the desk and holds it in place while Solenya and Felix come to his aid. Solenya slams down two daggers locking the blade into a small range, while Felix uses a power to become strong and climbs onto the desk grasping the hilt while standing on the blade jerks up on the blade and snapping it! This whole action has left the desk we used as our arena ruined.   After collecting ourselves we proceed into the other room off of this bedroom, it seems to be some sort of a walk-in closet laden with fabric and cloths making it feel much narrower than it is. Hanging from hooks on the walls is moth eaten cloth and cloths, at the end are several piles of cloth aprox. 5ft tall and a book shelve with 4 books(1-4). Solenya begins to look behind the cloth on hooks to for secrets he finds 3/4 leather jacket(5). Felix takes armfulls of cloths to the bed for the "imp" to jump into. Caine sees out of the corner of his eye a rugged miners lamp(6) filling it with oil he lights it up and uses it to examine the book.   We decide to rest in the room and set down and read a few books, Solenya looks into Zelligar's Notebook. Caine reads the Martial Arts Manual to Felix for a bit, then sets down to make dinner where Li'l Toady (the imp) joins us. Caine sets a place for all 4 including Toady and we eat.     Found this Session: (1) The Fallen Lands, a guild-book, by Tzelvor Muunts - Written in the Sabastic Language which is fairly rare. (2) Listings and References to Flora a Complete Guild, by Enauelynthias (3) Meteorological Phenomena and other Wonder4s of the Weather, by Xiseb (4) Zelligar's Notebook - not a spell book, Book is Written in Cifers. Is the story of a crusade against a goblin tribe and how his partner butchering them all, it is excessively brutal. (5) 3/4 Leather Jacket, worth 15gp (6) Lamp

April 2nd 2023 Game Session - Cain's Journal

We continue to travel forward with out quest to clear the dungeon for the people of Tyrgon Keep. We move into a "throne room" Solenya looks at the tapestries and investigates behind them to check if they mask or conceal anything of interest. Behind one of the tapestries Solenya finds a alcove containing a Glass scroll-case(1). At the same time Caine and Felix investigate the room off of the throne room containing a massive demonic statue, it has a grate in the middle. We decide to lift it and under the grate is a pile of gray powder that look like ash. As Felix and Caine look at this they hear Solenya speaking in a monotone chant behind them. As he does the runes surrounding the demonic statue begin to light up like blood trickling down a wall. Felix and Caine decide the only way to stop him is to knock him out. When Solenya comes to he decides to give Felix the Glass Scroll-Case(1) just in case.   We continue to attempt to try and clear out this stronghold and move onto the door north of the dining room. Solenya listens at the door and hears a disturbing sound of flapping wings and clawing on the other side. As Solenya goes to open the lock it suddenly changes shape and key hole, seeing that picking the look will be quite difficult Felix reduces his yari to a single plane and slashes the door apart. Inside we find a bed, a table set with dinning ware, and against the western wall we see a bat like creature straining against a thin golden chain that is attached to the wall. There is also a large mirror with a ornate golden frame on the western section of the northern wall. After a quick discussion of what to do, we feed the creature and Felix frees it from its captivity. The creature immediately flies over to the bed and begins to rummage around under the sheets. While Caine keeps an eye on the creature, Solenya and Felix begin to investigate the other rooms attached to this one.   In the writing room the see a desk with skull and ink on it, long sword(2), two chests spilling over with coins. There is a strong sense of magic coming from this room (illusion), and something wrong with the chests. The chests are fake something is just wrong with them. Caine, with that description tosses a torch into the chests and they wink out of existence as the torch touchs them, revealing a wall with melted stone, tinted purple. Before leaving the room Solenya went to investigate the sword on the desk and it springs off the desk attacking him, we jump into action to defend Solenya. After being struck multiple times, Caine finaly reaches out and grasps the sword preparing to grapple to hold onto it.         Found this Session: (1)Glass Scroll-case - Contains a scroll with two priestly spells. (2)long sword - currently attacking the party

Feb 26th 2023 Game Session - Cain's Journal

*NOTE: a flaming log is now referred to as "monster bane"*   We resume our adventure in the fresh air tunnel and decide that we need to have a rest so we decide to go to a hidden bedroom we found earlier. In the room is a bed a cabinet tapestries and wood paneling, as well as a large stone statue. while we are investigating the room and politely deciding who is going to get to sleep in the bed the statue springs to life and attacks us. After some time of defending ourselves the statue crumbles to dust as suddenly and unexpectedly as when it first struck. In the aftermath Solenya still feels the presence of magic in the room examining he can't determine that source but can tell it is "" school. We investigate the cabinet and bed and good quality cloths in the cabinet, Solenya has very suspicious about the bed. As it turns out Solenya has been suspicious about the a Yari that was hidden in the paneling behind the bed   The tapestries in the room are 1. a dragon being fought and slain by fighters the killing blow is by a Yari 2. a large battle at a mountain pass mage and warrior together 3. a warrior and a woman riding while holding hands lovingly 4. a warrior and a mage clasping hands and overlooking a desolate hilltop   In our down time Solenya identifies the magic items that we have. 3 Arrows (from: last session) : of slaying orks history: bought by Uthgar and the Oathgar from a wiazrd Potion (from: last session) : healing Potion Yari (from: this session) : +2 Yari a golden Cube (from the room with the heat seeking fungus) : Unknown still   After a long rest we continue to clear the rest of the dungeon. starting with the rooms around the throne room.   in the room is: stretched scaled skin, the skin of a brass dragon - half a set of leather armor a statue of a 6 legged reptilian creature about waist height - alteration magic 2 iron posts with a skeleton manacled between them - not human bones, and not fully human height 2 moose heads with huge antlers 4 claws that match stretched dragon skin - from a brass dragon, very sharp and hard ostrich like creature a huge black shield (to use properly you'd need to be 14 feet tall) - a polar bear skin - (taken by Caine as bed roll) two rams heads two crossed katanas - extremely intricate w/ heraldic symbols, and look used and not cared for as though they were taken as trophies (taken by Caine) laying in the corner is an unhinged door, with symbols carved into it - make the shape of the sun behind a mountain range 3 colorful flags -   Notes* for next session- Check out the katanas with heraldry after session. XP divvied out.   History of the two crossed katanas- he sword of Li Hu (“The Tiger of the Bright Blades”) and Ye Xingjuan (“One who holds the luck of beauty”). Li and Ye were a part of “Mishi” (Lost Generation, or Mishi de Yidai) of Anhungy. Years ago, the children of many nobles of Anhungy (city in the province of Meiyang, in the Shao) grew restless and ill tempered as the saw a lack of greatness among them. Their parents, dutifully so, had struggled, successfully, to create great wealth and stability which their young children benefited from, greatly. As they grew and heard stories of their elders and their great deeds, these children heard the call within their blood – they were destined for greatness, however, they had no struggle, no hardship, no cause to which they could pledge themselves. The children, counting 27, gathered themselves and made a pledge that they would free themselves from their hereditary bondage and seek out injustice in other parts of the world to bring greater honor to themselves and their families. So, the children had weapons forged for themselves in secret and frequently met and trained in covert locations under the eye of the one adult whom they trusted, the armorer Wuqi Shou. The children grew confident in their abilities over many years. When they became young adults they gathered together and confronted their elders whom forbid them from attempting such a reckless mission and imprisoned them. Once again calling on Wuqi Shou, the children escaped and left to find their fortune. The children would not stay together, they soon split into smaller companies and chose different paths, however, each carried upon their person a small braided length of silk braided by Ye – this token would serve as their symbol of commitment to each other and, hopefully, would bring them the luck of Ye. While little is know of what happened to these children, a few have stood out notably. It is said that some of these children helped General Kratys establish the Freeholds – a territory outside the Shao where all people were welcomed to harvest the land, free of larger governance. What is certain, as you can see from these blades and from the Yari, is that the “traitorous” Wuqi Shou, Li, and Ye journeyed together for some time and eventually fought as members of the Banner of the Bright Blades of Gleaming Salvation which marched upon the Temple of Zuggtmoy. Whether they perished in this battle or continued their good works elsewhere is lost to history. Li and Ye wielded the swords, Wuqi the yari.

Feb 12th 2023 Game Session-Caine's Journal

-- It has been slightly longer than a year since we last played so lets hope for the best!!! --   We make the decision to try to clear the rest of the dungeon so that the people of Tyrgon Keep can move into the area. We start by moving up the passage north of the kitchen an come into a room with several large piles of manure, most likely from boars. We move on continuing around the corner, Solenya leading, as he investigates a passage the floor drops out from under him causing him to fall 40ft onto a waterlogged floor filled with stalagmites piercing his leg and arm.   We manage to get him out and move on coming to find a room above the dining hall. We open the door using Felix's dimension blade and are immediately struck by a gale force wind extinguishing our torches. After the wind lessens we enter to find a large chamber containing armor, weapons, and shields. Inside we find 2 chests containing nothing. We also see that several holes are in the ceiling of the chamber providing fresh air. While walking down the hallway of this room Solenya detects a quiver filled with three magic arrows.   We continue down the hallway of the room to come to another door behind which appears to be a barracks capable of holding in excess of 20 men including an alarm bell in the corner. Under the table in the room we find a great-sword and pouch. Inside the pouch is a orange vial(necromantic) and 3 gold coins. the sword is of excellent workmanship and silvered.     Loot: 3 GP {Solenya} 1 Vial of orange liquid (necromanticSolenya} 1 silvered great-sword of exquisite make {Caine} 1 quiver with 3 arrows made of iron wood and heavily magic {Caine}

Jan 16th 2022 Game Session-Caine's Journal

RW-Date 1/16/2022   The creature rears up and attacks Caine, it's tentacle begins to paralyze Caine. In a massive coordinated attack Caine and Felix slice the creature in twain and lay its remains to ruin. We find out that it is a Carrion Crawler that would have paralyzed us and eaten us alive. Inside the room of the Carrion Crawler is a few crates and scattered rocks and the room looks as though excavation was occurring and suddenly stopped. We continue down the top hallway and come to another fork in the path continuing down the right most hallway we soon come upon a wooden door set into the rough hewn stone. Solenya checks to make sure its ok and Caine goes through the door. inside is a short hallway to a large opening of rough stone with a large pit 15 foot deep sloped with mud and bedrock. Continuing on we come to a fork with 3 passages. From the southern passage a small goblin come out with a blank vacant look on his face, the from our left and right 2 hobgoblins and 2 orks step out, followed by more goblins.   They speak to us in a deep monotone voice, asking "why we are here." then they ask to be let in" When asked why and what is coming for them they tell us "more is coming" "it is as thirst, it is as hunger, more is coming." it needs help, to save his kind. It continues to ask to be let in to determine why we are here.   As he speaks more goblins and hobgoblins and orks join, about 6 of each   Felix decides to let them in, the goblins head sags and Felix shudders and the creature goes over his whole life focusing on his memories of Tyrgon Keep. As the experience ends the Goblin says "Ans Sacorian" then says "you are trustworthy."   "the surface is plagued the rote is from inside, inside the deep. from below, many species live here."" They eat all, they eat morwin, they eat neblin"   We all see a flash of white in our eyes, then a crown then it fades away.   " the enemy is here" "you have found me, and I must ask why this portance." "No place will be safe soon"   They ask us to find more of there kind to help them. They give the name of "Mansicorian". they tell us that if we seek to go below they can lead us there.   For a moment Caine looks inspired and says "Its the White Kingdom the White Kingdom is coming, who is Nhaggol " and fear racks his body, then looks confused.   He tells us the the upper area is ours and the lower is his. as we leave we encounter groups of Orks and barbarians going below and leaving respectively both controlled by "Mansicorian"

November 6th 2021 Game Session-Caine's Journal

RW-Date 11/6/2021:   The Group Stands at the precipices of the hole to a floor below, 40ft. down. We decide to drop down the hole using the magic rope. Caine reaches the bottom of the hole and enters a room with a fist sized item in the gem on a distant wall that casts a blue light. The rough hewn walls of the room are covered with crude cave paintings. Solenya drops to the floor and goes to check the gem. At the opposite side of the cavern of the gem are there are 3 rough hewn exits from this room, from the left most passage is coming a most offensive smell. Felix then moves down the middle path and hears several voices ahead. Cain then moves down the left passage seeing a strange vines hanging down form the ceiling, approaching and poking them with his torch they turn out to be attached to a huge caterpillar like creature that rears up to attack. Cain begins to run away! (makes his surprise role)

May 8th Game Session-Caine's Journal

RW-Date 5/8/2021:   The group decides to continue exploring down the stairs to the south of the cow room. down the stairs is a room, bypassing it for now Solenya moves forward finding that the hallways reconnected to the maze of locked doors. Coming back to the room we moved past the door has a RUNE carved into it denoting a fancy "R", the door is non magical. Solenya unsuccessfully tries to open the door and when he fails lets Ball have a go, and he succeeds. Opening the door we see what looks almost like a gym. Ball finds a expensive jeweled dagger. After thoroughly searching the room and not finding anything else we move on to another unexplored area.   We move north of the hidden room containing the animated Armor, Solenya moves forward to scout. The passage moves in a large arc positioning itself near where we determined the Barbarians are based. On a set of double doors Solenya detects a ward containing a flame spell. Using his abilities to disable the ward Solenya takes the time to pick the lock, the door opens and Solenya jumps inside.   After a few tense hours Solenya emerges from the doors to inform us that it's a library, and since none of us can read what good would it do us. As well as books this library contains 4 cages, all containing huge dead bugs. Hidden behind the tomes is a large book with a Zanthian Helm emblazed upon the cover.     XP   Items Gained: Tome of a Zanthian Martial Artist - a Tome of Zanthian Martial Arts Ball - Jeweled Dagger Magical Pages that fell out - un seen servent Solenya - Books: Gnomish-Druidic Dictionary - Solenya Tales of the Shining Prince - Caine Writings on Carpentry Tales of the Mighty Giant Voyages of Bucmar Legend of the Lazy Knight - Caine Inspirational Poetry - Caine Journeys of Daliir Traditions of the Desert Tribes Legends Concerning Thaumaturgy Terran-Aquan Dictionary - Solenya Sorcery Sagas Writings on Sculpting Book of Ropemaking Herbs of the Broken Hills Biology of the Serpent - Jeremy Sylvan-Orcish Dictionary - Solenya Legend of the Dirty Prince Guide to Basketmaking Hidden Book behind - Tome of a Zanthian Martial Artist - Felix Dietary Habits of the Unicorn Compendium on Cobbling Dwarven-Gnomish Dictionary - Solenya Hazards of the Swaying Moors Rousing Poems - Caine Squirrel Powers - Magical Pages fell out - Felix Mournful Poetry - Felix Champions to the Chaos Gods Goblinoid-Sylvan Dictionary - Solenya Stories of the Bitter Valley Guide to Painting - Felix Dragon Rites Travels of Futharoth Myths of the Law Divinity Guide to Poisons - Solenya Hopeful Verses - Caine Traditions of the Southern Regions Book of Painting Lexicon of Aquan Words - Solenya Tales of the Evil Gods Pegasus Rituals Dances of the Elves Legends Regarding Divination Terran-Common Dictionary - Solenya Draconic-Common Dictionary - Solenya Life of Saint Maranlannare Manual of Fletching History of the Trolls Gnomish-Abyssal Dictionary - Solenya Compendium on Alchemy - Solenya Lexicon of Orcish Terms - Felix Chasing the Mud Mages - Solenya :someone's account of trying to chase down the Jezulain, with maps and such leading to tombs

April 24th Game Session-Caine's Journal

RW-Date 4/24/2021:   After excepting balls invitation to stay in a safe place he knows of we go through a winding passageway to a locked door that he starts to pick. Inside is a large guest room, that includes a bed, table, and desk with a book on it. Leading us inside Ball tells us that he stays here quite often. Investigating the room Solenya and Felix determine that the room seems secure, during this time Caine begins to make a dinner of barley beef and vegetable stew with camp bread. After dinner we rest, taking shifts to ensure nothing happens, during his shift Solenya begins to read more of the book that is on the desk. It is the book of Uthgar and the Oath-Guards, a study of Barbarians of the area.   The next day Ball give Caine some good hearted ribbing due to the meal he made, before the group continues to explore down the hallway. moving to the next room we find it similar to the previous but lacking the desk. On the table is a piece of quartz holding down a Manifest of some items. While in this room we hear moaning from further down the hallway. As Solenya investigates the room Felix sees Ball come out of the room we rested in and enter the next room in the hallway.   Solenya moves forward to see what Ball is doing and finds him under a Cow milking it into his mouth.   XP was divvied   Items Gained: Book: Uthgar and the Oath-Guards: Manifest: 5% chance of identifying item on list

April 17th Game Session-Caine's Journal

RW-Date 4/17/2021:   Combat!!! the fight starts with Solenya having Webbed the enemy. The enemy comes from behind and engages Cor and Felix. Prevailing in the fight killing the Sebast Martial artist and three more we then move forward into the dungeon. In the next room further south into the dungeon we find another crystalline entity. Further asking the "Ball" tiny Ork about the Sebasts, he informs us about the fact that there are in fact many more. Between 100 and 12 more, he's not very good at counting. He then makes an attempt to tell us that touching the crystal entities will kill us, INSTANTLY. He offers us riches and friendship if we help the orks kill the sebasts. He then informs us his name is in fact not "ball" but we can't pronounce his name so we can keep calling him "ball".   Ball informs us that he has a place to rest.   XP was divied

March 20th Game Session-Caine's Journal

RW-Date 3/20/2021:   After escaping the creeping cold of the previous room Solenya begins to again scout ahead for the group. Heading north then west he comes upon a section of the wall that has been smashed apart. Rummaging and digging around in the rubble is a puny orc wielding a quarter staff as a pry for the rubble. Solenya comes back to inform us about the puny orc, with some work we manage to subdue the enemy and knock him out. Taking him back into the rubble filled room Caine begins to search the room as we wait for the enemy to awaken.   When the orc awakes Solenya attempts to communicate with him and with limited success learns that he isn't alone. With this knowledge we continue forward with the intent of communicating with the other orcs. Heading down the hallway that the orc tried to escape from we come to a room with a crystalline Plant entity, when the orc captive is lead into the room it starts to panic so we immediately close the door and don't approach the entity. Taking some time to look for a secret passage Caine pulls out a lunch of sausage bread and cheese and feeds the captive, giving him some wine as well.   Moving forward down the next passage the Orc indicates to stop and go back as we begin to do so from behind us comes the Sabast Barbarians accusing us of breaking our agreement and coming to their part of town. They insist we turn over the orc, and sensing that no matter what there will be a fight, Solenya Steps back and says "be our guest" and proceeds to web the group of enemies.

February 27th Game Session-Caine's Journal

RW-Date 2/27/2021:   Setting down for a long rest. After waking and eating Solenya continues to investigate the room for the source of the abjuration, finding a gold ring braided much like a Celtic naught. Leaving the supplies room Solenya begins to scout ahead continuing north and coming to a hallway that leads back to the mess hall. Solenya continues forward and comes to a metal door imbedded in the stone looking like a prison door   After some time we convene to discuss our options and hear the sound of a metal bang such as a metal door closing from down the hallway with the metal door. Solenya goes to investigate while the party falls back a bit.   We move forward to investigate the Large Metal Door, Cor breaks the lock of the first one and behind it is a second identical door, Solenya opens it as it is unlocked and behind it is 3 more identical doors one North one east and one west facing.   Moving around the complex to see where the doors could lead to we come across some Sybast Barbarians who we tensely parlay with and agree to not fuck with them and they won't fuck with us, but much more threateningly. After leaving the tenuous peace one of the barbarians goes invisible.   Moving along with Solenya following behind attempting to detect the invisible person we come to a room that is cold... long and narrow it is filled with supplies for mining. In the room is a great axe of excellent quality. Investigating Caine finds that the south-east corner of the room is where the cold is emanating from. So cold that Felix becomes frost bitten. As Felix and Caine move back from the cold space the floor begins to grow with frost rind following behind us.   Running from the room Caine strikes at the floor trying to halt the flow of the entity to no effect. As we flee Felix throws a handful of flower into the air as Caine runs through it he ignites the flower in the air causing a small explosion. Caine sees how the entity seems to feed off the heat of the explosion seeing this he dowses his torch causing the entity to stop flowing us.

February 20th Game Session-Caine's Journal

RW-Date 2/20/2021:   As we try to escape the vegetation room to evade the shambling mound. As we all begin to run out the room the hallway begins to close up and the mound begins to reform in the middle of the passageway.   Felix bursts past the the vines leaving a gap for Solenya to pass. We all Escape to the end of the hallway where the mound won't follow us.   As we're determining where we want to go to rest through the night, Solenya hears the sound of someone entering Quesquaton. To avoid detection we continue down the passage it begins to snake around for a while, worked stone the whole way straitening out and the zig zagging left then right.   While passing down the hallway Solenya notices that a marking along the bottom of the wall that has been happening every 5th or so block is missing... Investigating closer Felix finds a false wall along the north-west wall once Solenya points out a depression along the wall (where the door runs along). Opening the door we come into what appears to be a supply closet, filled with doors, stones, nails, etc. the one thing that stands out is a suit of armor, off its stand, propped up on the wall.   On closer inspection of the armor by Solenya, investigating without touching Solenya notices the fingers begin to move... Leaping back he yells that it's coming alive.   "Combat Starts" Solenya Webs the armor to the wall. Slowly we being to hammer and cut the armor apart, on the final blow by Cor it explodes.   As we take in the seen after the fight Solenya activates the door to close us in for the night. Caine begins to make dinner "Borsch, camp rye bread-with a brie and fig spread, and Spiced Corn"     -End of Session Details- ...In room is... box of spikes box of nails pile of wooden beams sack of mortar 1/4 full stack of stone blocks crate with assorted hardware broken jug of glue

Jan 30th Game Session-Caine's Journal

RW-Date 1/30/2021: The Group Today; Solenya Aurelion, Felix Magnus, Cor Black, and I (Caine) (Caine) After searching Erig's room we headed to the last room off of the throne Room filled with the dead troglodytes. The room is barren except for a hole at the end of the room, rubble around the edges. Inside the hole is a metal spiral staircase leading downward, it seems quickly constructed and unsafe to traverse. Using his rope of climbing for safety Solenya descends the staircase, using Cor to hold the rope (looking like a pet rope being the invisible with a rope around his waist). As Solenya begins to move down the stairs I notice that the stairs he is moving down is free of dust and frequently used. (Solenya) Only having one minor incident while going down the rickety stairway, Solenya comes close enough to the bottom of the stare to see that the room below looks freshly made, or in the least still under construction. Including the presence of mine carts and tools for excavating a room. On the edge of the Room is one exit. (Caine) Solenya informs us that while the room is clear we may not want to explore this room and those beyond due to the ricketiness of the stairs and the lack of any other exits. We decide to move down the stairs across from the dining hall. As we approach, we remember that a single wall separates us from a beholder with that in mind we send Solenya ahead to scout (Solenya) Continuing down the corridor and stepping over the bodies of Felix's old adventuring party Solenya scouts down the stares checking every alcove as he goes. He comes to a heavy oaken door ajar, leading to day light. Solenya returns to inform the group. (Caine) "This is good incase we need to evade the beholder" (Felix) "beholder? I feel like I was denied some need to know information" (Caine) After calming down Felix, a bit. Solenya moves forward to investigate past the Beholder door. As we wait for Solenya to scout, Cor moves to the Beholder door. (Cor) Opening the door he sees a fungal sphere stalks coming off of it in all directions, it begins to rotate toward him moving toward the door. Quickly closing the Door behind him. Immediately running for the Door to the outside as he approaches the alcoves on ether side start to shift faces pressing through the stone toward him. He opens the door to be greeted by foliage in front of him. the Valley Floor is 20 feet below him... (Caine) Cor runs past down the stairs moments later I hear a Shout echo through the halls. I hear Solenya run past Flex and I follow shortly after. Encountering the magic mouths as well hearing them say "You dare enter this place and intrude upon my sanctuary?" (Solenya) Solenya parts the foliage blocking the sun and sees that the stares up to the mouth of the entrance and the entrance itself are designed in such a way that from the outside they would be hard to see and disguised in the cliff. investigating the wall using his magical perception, he determines that is was probably a magic mouth spell. (Caine) After much discussion, we determine that we should explore the rest of Quesquaton before dealing with the beholder. As is standard Solenya moves forward to continue investigating and scouting. Solenya moves to down the passage to the west of the exit. After 5 minutes we begin to follow him. as we approach a turn in the hallway Solenya speaks up startling me asking us to wait again as he moves on. (Solenya) Moving on Solenya opens the door further down the hallway, moving inside, the floor is covered in blood and gore. Retreating back to the group. (Caine) Solenya retreats to us stomach turning, i take his place moving into the room where I see blood and sinew strewn around the room. From beyond I hear the sound of extreme bloody pain and torcher. Moving forward without thought I attempt to kick the Door open Corn coming around the corner slamming it open with his shield as I fail. Moving forward Cor and I come to the most grizzly sight i have ever seen. A 7' tall desiccated pail creature is elbow deep inside the body cavity of a human barbarian. It seems its intent is to keep him alive and in pain as long as possible. It wears clothing as though it has the intellect to keep it properly fitted, wielding a broken head of a glave.   Combat!!! 1. I rush forward and kill the Barbarian. Enraged it attacks me claw coming through my defense slashing my face, i feel my muscles start to lock up cramping up and I push though it in his. 2. Solenya strikes the monster for 9 points of magic missile damage, Felix moves forward missing, i miss, Cor misses. the creature moves forward Cor makes a attack of opportunity (Crit) striking for 13, on the rebound he looses his hammer. The Creature turns on Cor for the devastating strike missing twice. 3. Solenya casts another magic missile dealing 10 damage. I miss the monster. As it strikes out at Felix (Crit Fail), felix expertly deflects the attack(monster takes the damage). Cor expertly strikes again (crit) dealing 13 leaving an opening and striking again for 8. Felix shifts his spear to one hand striking it after for 5. I come forward to strike again missing(crit fail) the monster takes my katana looking to use it   end of combat, as the monster takes my katana intent in his eyes Cor strikes it down repeatedly covered in gore as the monster fails to move more.   (Caine) taking in the room we see more bodies around the room and 4 flags of separate color hung around the room. Upon investigation Solenya sees that the creature doesn't seem to be rotting (possibly not undead)

Jan 23rd Game Session-Caine's Journal

RW-Date 1/23/2021: Start finding Solenya as he ran away form the group. As we come to the clearing area that he stopped in, the leaves on the ground started to rise around us. Exploding into the air and drifting to the ground, as Solenya approaches Felix and I from while invisible. His foot falls alert Cain and he draws on him, prompting him to draw on him. Felix startled by the encounter is having difficulty with directions and Solenya climbs a tree to see the way back to the road. We continue on our way to the caverns of Quesquaton. Resting the night in the Orc Cavern. In the morning the Group moves on to the gnoll entrance to The Pool Cavern of Quesquaton. Solenya moves ahead leaving a trail for us to follow in 5 minutes. with the pool of wine ruined Cain begins to drink the wine skin of Liquor wine. Felix is an asshole kicking the wine skin into the Vinegar bath remains of the pool of wine ruining the wine Caine had. Falling in and pulling Felix in after him. After regrouping with Solenya further in the complex we come to a door with the inscription of "Erig"? Inside is a bedroom with a bed, a keg marked "SD" on a stool, a chest, 2 shields (tower and round brass with a spike), and a heavy mace. There is a body on the ground that was savaged, throat torn out and body partially eaten. Solenya opens the chest, inside is rough clothing, broken dagger, a plaque with commendations, and a bust of copper and silver.

Dark Days

My best Friend is dead, the person who got me away from drinking... as heavily. I don't know what I'm going to do now.


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