
Bloodskull Orcs   Argripyek, 5th-level ore Priest of Gruumsh: AC 6; MV 9; hp 20; THACQ 17 (16 with long spear +1 #AT 1; Omg Id8+2 (lollg spear +1, Str bonus SA spells, +1 bonus on attack rolls vs. elves; SO spells, cast aid on self once per day; 52 M (6' ML fanatic or better (18+ lot average (9 AL LEi XP 420. Argripyek has Str 16. Spells: bless, calise lig!lt loollmis, curse; chonl, flallle blade, spiritllal ham Iller; pyrolec1mics. See further notes on Argripyek's spear below.   Argripyek has, incongruously. a pair of fmc St1pphire earrings taken from a kidnapped female wizard; he is fascinated by his "pretties" and only the fear of being mocked by his underling stops him from wearing them. They are furtively kept in a pouch al his belt; they are worth 600 gp for the pair.   Argripyek's magical spear is a unique, abolethcrafted thing. if the Pes take it, show them Player Handout 8. The central design is one of the aboleth glyphs for the Blood Queen, and the aU-seeing eye is not unlike Gruumsh's symboL Anyone gripping this weapon and making the correct invocation (which Argripyck was taught to do) becomes automatically enslaved by the savant aboleth and will follow the instructions of any servitor of the aboleth displaying the same symbol (in this case, the illithids).     As a consequence of this domination effect, the priest has the same fishy smell the PCs will have scented several times already. The spear is not only a +1 weapon, but it makes every sentient creature allied to its wielder within 100 feet almost fearless (minimum ML 18, +3 bonus to saving throws against/ear, spook, and similar spells). This doesn't include the lizards. The PCs will not be able to use this weapon; without the invocation it is not "bound" to its owner and none of its magic is energized, including the + 1 attack and damage b.onus. PCs may get this identified by a sage for the nght payment (500 gp the report will teU them that the item is one of underdark workmanship, and that the rune is of unknown kind but certainly not that of the Draw, Derra, or Duergar.


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