Fighter's Challenge II
Captain Baskillion CO-level fighter): AC 1; MV 9; hp 6; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon; AL NG; Str 12, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha lO;ML 12.
Weapon Proficiencies: None.
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Appraising (weapons
only) 16, Etiquette 14, Hunting 12, Riding Oand-based) 14, Weather Sense 13.
Equipment: Bastard sword +4 defender, chain mail
+2, shield +2, dagger +2/+3 vs. larger titan man-sized, high-quality medium war horse with horseshoes of speed.
Captain Baskillion is a lazy, affable sort who
has seen very little combat and doesn't really know how to lead fighting men. He got this post from being the king's brother-in-law.
He has collected some rather fancy pieces of martial hardware, however (see Equipment, above). Baskillion may not know how to use a sword, but he knows nearly everything else about them from years of collecting.
Baskillion has no wife or children of his own. He is fiercely protective of Alfinor and Ariella as a result. Baskillion may get involved in an adven-ture when encountered outside the castle's wall. He greatly enjoys hunting and may .invite the PC to go with him sometime.