
Caine is a Samurai that no longer sees any reason to live in this world and seeks his end in glorious battle to give propose to his life.

Sun 27th Aug 2023 09:33

August 27th 2023 Game Session - Cain's Journal

by Caine

We decide to take a rest in the room after eating dinner. In what we assume is the morning we move on determined to deal with the living plants, as we pass the dinning room Flexi pokes his head inside and confirms that there is indeed still a beholder inside. deciding to deal with that another time we move onto the garden room.
We arrive outside the nursery and see that in the few days since we last visited the growth has spread even further down the hallway from the room. We begin to move around the outside of the room slashing and striking out at the plant matter seeking to provoke the entities into a fight. While Caine and Felix are provoking the room, Solenya see's that two of the mushrooms behind us are growing into some large quadrupedal creature. As we fight the creature Felix and I begin to feel the effects of some sort of drug probably coming from the monster we're fighting.
As the creature falls to our attacks Felix succumbs to the poisons coming form the creatures body. As I went to hold him him up he psionically shouted for food, without thinking I punched him in the face. after that he sat on the ground holding his face asking "why would you hit me monster?".
From Felix after he feels better:"I was suddenly extremely hungry, then saw some sort of eldritch monster staring at me from the water and I realized I was on a desert island. The creature lashed out and struck me in the face after a tried to psionically commune with it. Then I spent a long time talking to it."
Found this Session:
No items.

The major events and journals in Caine's history, from the beginning to today.

Feb 12th 2023 Game Session-Caine's Journal

-- It has been slightly longer than a year since we last played so lets hope for the best!!! -- We make the decision to try to clear the rest of the dungeon so that the people of Tyrgon Keep can move into the area. We start by moving up the passage ...

01:07 am - 13.02.2023

Jan 16th 2022 Game Session-Caine's Journal

RW-Date 1/16/2022 The creature rears up and attacks Caine, it's tentacle begins to paralyze Caine. In a massive coordinated attack Caine and Felix slice the creature in twain and lay its remains to ruin. We find out that it is a Carrion Crawler that ...

06:17 am - 17.01.2022

November 6th 2021 Game Session-Caine's Journal

RW-Date 11/6/2021: The Group Stands at the precipices of the hole to a floor below, 40ft. down. We decide to drop down the hole using the magic rope. Caine reaches the bottom of the hole and enters a room with a fist sized item in the gem on a dista...

05:14 am - 07.11.2021

May 8th Game Session-Caine's Journal

RW-Date 5/8/2021: The group decides to continue exploring down the stairs to the south of the cow room. down the stairs is a room, bypassing it for now Solenya moves forward finding that the hallways reconnected to the maze of locked doors. Coming b...

05:26 am - 09.05.2021

Solenya Wizard Level 5

Solenya has reached level 5 as a wizard, making all fighters mere observers to his AWESOME POWERS!!!

05:16 am - 25.04.2021

April 24th Game Session-Caine's Journal

RW-Date 4/24/2021: After excepting balls invitation to stay in a safe place he knows of we go through a winding passageway to a locked door that he starts to pick. Inside is a large guest room, that includes a bed, table, and desk with a book on it. ...

05:13 am - 25.04.2021

A tale of fumbles, restored.

02:50 am - 25.04.2021

Uncivil War

02:48 am - 25.04.2021

April 17th Game Session-Caine's Journal

RW-Date 4/17/2021: Combat!!! the fight starts with Solenya having [i][b]Webbed[/b][/i] the enemy. The enemy comes from behind and engages Cor and Felix. Prevailing in the fight killing the Sebast Martial artist and three more we then move forward int...

05:19 am - 18.04.2021

Uncivil War

03:27 am - 18.04.2021

March 20th Game Session-Caine's Journal

RW-Date 3/20/2021: After escaping the creeping cold of the previous room Solenya begins to again scout ahead for the group. Heading north then west he comes upon a section of the wall that has been smashed apart. Rummaging and digging around in the r...

05:07 am - 21.03.2021

New Year 5

06:31 am - 28.02.2021

February 27th Game Session-Caine's Journal

RW-Date 2/27/2021: Setting down for a long rest. After waking and eating Solenya continues to investigate the room for the source of the abjuration, finding a gold ring braided much like a Celtic naught. Leaving the supplies room Solenya begins to sc...

06:28 am - 28.02.2021

New Year 5

03:59 am - 28.02.2021

New Year 4

06:53 am - 21.02.2021

February 20th Game Session-Caine's Journal

RW-Date 2/20/2021: As we try to escape the vegetation room to evade the shambling mound. As we all begin to run out the room the hallway begins to close up and the mound begins to reform in the middle of the passageway. Felix bursts past the the ...

06:41 am - 21.02.2021

New Year 4

04:09 am - 21.02.2021

New Year 3

06:17 am - 07.02.2021

New Year 3

03:56 am - 07.02.2021

New Year 2

06:17 am - 01.02.2021

Jan 23rd Game Session-Caine's Journal

RW-Date 1/23/2021: Start finding Solenya as he ran away form the group. As we come to the clearing area that he stopped in, the leaves on the ground started to rise around us. Exploding into the air and drifting to the ground, as Solenya approaches Fe...

06:39 am - 31.01.2021

Journal Entry from Caine

RW-Date 1/30/2021: The Group Today; Solenya Aurelion, Felix Magnus, Cor Black, and I (Caine) (Caine) After searching Erig's room we headed to the last room off of the throne Room filled with the dead troglodytes. The room is barren except for a hole...

06:33 am - 31.01.2021

New Year 2

04:02 am - 31.01.2021

New Year

06:28 am - 24.01.2021

New Year

04:57 am - 24.01.2021

Dark Days

My best Friend is dead, the person who got me away from drinking... as heavily. I don't know what I'm going to do now....

04:43 am - 24.01.2021


06:28 am - 04.10.2020


02:53 am - 04.10.2020


08:07 pm - 21.09.2020


03:16 am - 21.05.2020


03:15 am - 21.05.2020


03:01 am - 17.05.2020


06:06 am - 10.05.2020


02:04 am - 10.05.2020


05:13 am - 07.05.2020


03:19 am - 07.05.2020

The session

05:31 am - 03.05.2020

The session

03:37 am - 03.05.2020


06:09 am - 19.04.2020


03:19 am - 19.04.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Caine.

Played by
Tidus Maxamilian

Other Characters by Tidus Maxamilian