Crown of Derro Domination

This singular item is of Aboleth make. It allows the wearer to cast Mass Domination on Derro, negating their magic resistance when so doing (although the target is allowed a saving throw vs. spell at a -2 penalty). One such attempt can be made each day, with up to 10 HD of Derro per level of the crown wearer being subject to the spell effect. The domination effect is strong, and saving throws to throw off the effect when performing acts contrary to the subJect's nature gain no bonuses unless the deed is obviously suicidal. The crown wearer cannot have a total number of HD of Derro dominated at any one time which exceeds 20 HD per level of the crown wearer (thus a 10th-level priest using the crown could attempt to dominate up to 100 HD of Derro per day but could not conrol more than 200 HD of Derro at a time) . The crown does not in any way summon Derro.

Use of the crown has unfortunate side-effects. With each usage, there is a 2% cumulative chance that the users own mind becomes weakened to the domination effect of Aboleth. If this occurs, his or her saving throw against domination and all spell effects related to it (charm, suggestion, etc.) suffer a -4 penalty. Worse still, there is a cumulative 1% chance per day that an individual thus weakened will come to the attention of a Savant Aboleth, who becomes aware of the identity, thoughts, emotions, and plans of that individual and will attempt to lure the creature to its lair, using suggestion effects and the like. The Crown of Derro Domination may only be employed by a priest or wizard and may only be recharged by a wizard of 16th or higher level.

Note that, in this campaign, the Renegade Derro and the Servitor Derro enslaved by the crown and other magical means are such dire enemies that if attempts are made to use the crown to force Derro from rival groups to work together, then initial saving throws against the crown's domination effect are made without penalty and each dominated individual is allowed a fresh saving throw each day to throw off the effects of the item. Derro freed from the effects of the crown will have great enmity for the wearer of the item and will pursue that creature with great determination, seeking to destroy both wearer and crown.

Speed Factor
XP Value
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable


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