Cult of the Phoenix

The “Brotherhood” is an organization of flame wizards who make no bones about their aims. They believe that the only true magic is that of fire. Further, they believe that all wizards who are not elemental mages in flame must convert - that is, come under their control - or die. The Brotherhood maintains chapters and related bodies in all major cities of the land. The organization also maintains close ties with several assassin organizations.   The organization accepts only evil members, and it carefully observes all those who are not members. Should a PC perform “well” (slaying mages who are not flame wizards and acting in a generally evil manner, for example), he or she may be invited to participate in the Brotherhood’s initiation rites. Should a PC behave in a good manner, aiding non-Brotherhood members or associating with the like, the Brotherhood may label the PC as an enemy, and target the rogue flame mage for eventual termination. The same may occur if someone simply refuses an invitation to undergo the initiation rites.   Cult of the Phoenix A cult which occupied the previous ecumenical temple in Ivirstadt.   Claimed they could cure Goblin Fever through sacrifice of the unfaithful.   Clerics (4): AL NE; AC 8; MV 9; C3; hp 14 each; THACO 20; #Kr 1; Dmg by spell or weapon type; ML 14; XP 120; padded armor, footman's mace. Spells: cause fear, protection from good; fire trap.   Cult warriors (10): AL any evil; AC 8 (1 under cover MV 12; F2 ( x 5), Fl ( x 5 hp 14, 13, 12 ( x 2), 11, 9, 8, 6, 4, 2; THACO 19, 20; #AT l; Dmg by weapon type; ML 11; XP 65, 35; leather armor, short bow, short sword, dagger.   Sergeant: AL !\TE; AC 3 (-4 under cover MV 9; F4; hp 22; THACO 17; #AT l; Dmg by weapon type; ML 14; XP 270; GOBLIN FEVER banded mail, shield, long bow, long sword, dagger.   Cult warriors temple (25): AL any evil; AC 8; MV 12; F2 ( x 10), Fl ( x 15 hp 11 ( x 10), 6 ( x 15 THACO 19, 20; #AT l; Dmg by weapon type; ML 11; XP 65, 35; leather armor, short bow, short sword, dagger.   The Cult of the Phoenix

Because the city's clerics have been unable to control the plague, the disease has shaken the faith of many people, who believe they have been abandoned by their deities. A strange cult sprang up to fill this sudden spiritual void. The Cult of the Phoenix took root near the south gate and is spreading through the city.

The cult believes that the world is being punished by the gods and can be purified of its offensive ways only through fire. Thus, like the phoenix, a new and better world will be reborn from the ashes of the old. Cult followers are branded with a small bird symbol (usually on the forehead or forearm). The cult teaches that all other religions and beliefs are false and should be destroyed. Anything not "of the cult" is tainted and blasphemous.

The cult of the Phoenix is not particularly well organized, nor is it a precision military machine. If the PCs raid the temple, cult members defend their territory in a hectic, hodge-podge fashion and without a great deal of strategy. If the PCs retreat, the cult is relentless in pursuit. Any cult warriors or clerics left alive (including those on the barricades) pursue with a "hit and run" strategy until the PCs are either killed, captured, or reach the safety of a city miliia barricade (area 2). If the PCs escape mto militia-controlled territory, the cult abandons pursuit and returns to the temple.
cult of the phoenix.jpg


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